********** DISCLAIMER: Sailor Moon is copyrighted 1992 by Naoko Takeuchi. All except the characters I created belong to her. I'm just borrowing them for awhile :-) ********* How to Date a Sailor Senshi! Part One - The Book by DQBunny Any and all comments can be directed to dqbunny@juno.com. All flames shall be redirected to the little trash monster on my laptop. Rated PG13 for dealing with some sexual content. Read it with your parents! You can learn some important lessons in this little comedy! ********* "I can't believe you're all excited about going to a bookstore," Usagi muttered, lagging behind her friends as they walked down the street toward the new Barnes and Noble that had just opened up in Tokyo. In fact, it was the one to open up in Japan. "But, they have all types of books there, Usagi-chan," Ami said. "Even manga!" That got a big smile from her friend with the odango perched on her head. "Not to mention cute guys!" Rei added. "I don't need a cute guy," Usagi pointed out. "I've got Mamo-chan." Rei groaned. "Do you have to remind us of that every single day?" "Yes, I do, so you won't forget," Usagi saucily tossed back at Rei. "Easy, easy, now," Makoto said, coming in between the two. "Let's try to act like the 16-year-olds we're suppose to be." Usagi and Rei tried to object, but they had reached the store by then. They immediately headed for a large manga section while Makoto, Minako, and Ami wandered down aisles of books about self improvement and relationships. "How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci," Minako read off the titles of one of the books. "Easy, your name is Mizuno Ami," Makoto threw a grin over to their shy friend, who blushed at Makoto's words. "How about this one about conquering shyness, Ami-chan?" Minako asked, pulling another book off the shelf. "No thank you," Ami said quietly. Yet, when Minako and Makoto turned the other way, she quickly took it off the bookshelf. Minako had wandered over to the next shelf of books by this time, and held up a smaller paperback and waved over to Ami and Makoto. "Hey, you guys! Come take a look at this!" Makoto walked over and read the cover of the book. "How to Marry the Man of Your Choice." "Man? Someone said marry a man?" All of a sudden, Rei and her boy-sensitive ears picked up the title of the book, ran across the length of the store, and snatched the book out of Minako's hands. Usagi followed her, her nose buried in a volume of manga. She narrowly avoided walking into the bookcase. Makoto took down another copy of the book. "It looks pretty interesting. It tells you the twenty places where you can meet a man to marry and how being a 'bitch' can make him fall in love with you." "That should be no problem for Rei-chan then!" Usagi exclaimed, snapping her book shut. Rei immediately turned on her. "What did you say, Odango Atama?" "See?" They carried their books over to a group of chairs, and plopped down in them. Rei, Minako, and Makoto had the how to marry a man book while Ami had the volume on conquering shyness. Usagi carried over a couple of magazines and several volumes of manga. They sat in relative silence as they scanned through their books. "It says here that your job is one of the best places to meet people," Makoto read aloud. "There's only one man who works with us, and Usagi-chan has him already," Minako replied. "The bookstore is the second best place," Makoto kept reading. "WHERE? WHERE?" Rei and Minako bounced up, scanning the area as if they had radar built in their minds. Makoto sweatdropped. "Easy, easy. They're not just going to come walking up to you." Minako settled in her chair and flipped through the book. "It also tells you how to make sure the man you meet is the right one, and also how to get him to fall in love with you. And, also advice on when to do 'it'." Minako closed the book for a moment, and gave Usagi a thoughtful glance. "Say, Usagi-chan?" "Hmmm...?" Usagi replied, not looking up from her manga. "When did you and Mamoru-san first do 'it'?" Minako asked as innocently as possible. Makoto, Rei, and Ami all face faulted. "Minako-chan, that is just plain rude," Rei muttered. "Nani?" Usagi looked up to see her friends practically flipping out. "What's 'it'? I don't think I've done 'it' yet." "'It'? You haven't done 'it' yet?" Minako cried. "Usagi-chan, you two have been dating for more than two years!" Makoto protested. "You mean to say you still haven't done 'it'?" "Nani nani?" Usagi glaced around with a blank look on her face. "What is 'It'?" Everyone sweatdropped, while Ami's face remained beet red. "You mean you don't know what 'it' is?" Rei moaned. "It?" "The book says that if you delay having 'it' for too long, then he will probably be unwilling to marry you," Minako read. She glanced up from the book. "Is two years too long?" "I'll say," Makoto answered, getting her own copy of the book out, and flipping through the pages. "It says if 'it' doesn't begin after awhile, then something is wrong with the relationship." "That means something is wrong with Usagi-chan's relationship!" Minako declared. "There's nothing wrong with my relationship with Mamo- chan," Usagi muttered under her breath, but her friends ignored her. "If you had a boyfriend, when would you do 'it' with him?" Minako asked Makoto. "The book says a good time to start 'it' would be after twelve dates," Makoto replied. "Yes, if I loved him the way Usagi-chan and Mamoru-san love each other, I would definitely do 'it' with him." "That settles it then," Rei said. "Usagi, you and Mamoru- san have to do 'it', or the possibility will exsist that your entire relationship will go poof!" "Poof?" Usagi asked, imaging Mamoru disappearing in a big puff of smoke. "Poof," Rei nodded. Tears gathered in Usagi's eyes. "But...but...BUT I DON'T WANT MAMO-CHAN TO GO POOF!" she cried, attracting the attention of more than half the store. All the other girls promptly sweatdropped. "Then all you have to do is 'it'!" Minako exclaimed. "WHAT IS 'IT'?" Usagi yelled, causing the rest of the store to glance over their way. Ami grasped her friend's arm, pulled her ear down near her mouth, and whispered in her ear. After a moment, Usagi got beet red, and she clasped her hands over her mouth. "Now do you know what 'it' is?" Minako asked. Usagi simply nodded in reply. "It says here that sex is predominant in the thoughts of most normal men," Makoto read aloud. "The sex drive must be satisfied in order for the couple to be physically comfortable around each other." "Poor Mamoru-san," Minako said. "Sometimes, he looks like he can hardly stand to be near Usagi-chan. He must be really uncomfortable!" "Minna, why can't you do this to someone else?" Usagi moaned. "Because you're the only one of us who has an interesting love life, and I get nauseous thinking of Naru and Umino together," Minako replied. Rei had found the chapter in her own book, and read ahead of where Makoto had been reading. "It says if you postpone the sexual relationship too long, then the relationship will most likely wither away and die. Poof!" Usagi had a sinking feeling in her. Still, she had been curious about 'it' for awhile. She knew other high school couples did 'it'. Even Motoki and Reika did 'it'...she thought. Either that, or Motoki had a new thing for small foil packets containing odd-shaped balloons falling out of his wallet when he pulled it out that one time. But, she did not want Mamo-chan to find someone else just because of 'it'. Besides, look at Chibi-Usa! Her very exsistence was at stake here! Usagi grew very serious, and gave Rei, Minako, and Makoto her full attention. "Tell me what I need to do," she said. In the other chair, Ami simply buried her face in her book.