Standard Questionably Useful Disclaimer: Sailor Moon and all related characters were created by Naoko Takeuchi; and are copyright to Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei, DIC and whoever else. This fanfic is intended solely for entertainment purposes and no violation of said copyrights is intended or implied. If you want to put my fanfic on your site, please e-mail me asking for permission first. This story and all new characters are MINE (copyright 2000)!! Author's Notes: Rated PG-13 for mild language My series begins where Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Sailor Stars ends I use the Japanese names, last name first Nagesya = Dark Empress = Empress Eban = young warrior akuryou = evil spirits tousotsu = elite leaders Pu = Chibiusa?s nickname for Pluto Small Lady = Chibiusa?s formal name Kaori = Aroma, Scent makoru = similar to a dog sensei - added to name of teacher chan - used for babies, small children, close friends sama - used for formal occasions and to show a great deal of respect kun - used after a boy?s name (sometimes for a girl) For Future Reference: In place of Princess Serenity, I will just put Serenity. I have given Serenity powers that she obtained as the Moon Princess. In place of Sailor X, I will just put X (X standing for whatever planet) Calculations are correct when comparing distance and time (i.e. if traveling at a speed of 200,000,000 miles per hour for sixteen hours you would reach the edge of the solar system) Senshi Avatars Episode 05 - Journey to the Stars written by Eridanus ( Princess Serenity materialized from her teleport outside the Earth?s atmosphere. She orbited Earth for several minutes before finally leaving to begin her quest for the Sailor Starlights. She knew they were her only hope, that only with the combined powers of the Senshi would they be able to defeat Nagesya. Unfortunately she had no idea where to search for them, or how far away their home was from Earth. Serenity glanced down at the new brooch her mother had given her, and suddenly realized she had no idea how to use it. As if this wasn?t going to be hard enough, Serenity thought wryly. She closed her eyes and envisioned the universe as she had seen it a thousand years ago. Serenity calculated that she would reach the edge of the solar system within sixteen hours, since she would be traveling at a speed equivalent to 200,000,000 miles per hour. During the sixteen hours of travel, Serenity noticed a strange energy being emitted by the planets in the solar system. She decided that upon her return she would investigate the abnormal activity thoroughly. Serenity grew weary of her travel and decided to rest on a nearby planet, about 700,000 miles past Pluto. Serenity cautiously descended through the thermosphere, which was surprisingly smooth. She noticed that the planet supported various forms of life, including both plants and animals. Serenity landed in the middle of a meadow, and decided to sleep under a tall tree, of a species she had never seen before. Serenity awoke the next morning, and was surprised to see two suns instead of one. She wandered through the meadow until she came upon a small brook and drank the pure water. She found some berries that resembled raspberries on a bush and washed them in the brook before eating them. They were surprisingly sweet but had a slightly rough texture that she was unaccustomed to. As Serenity searched for other fruits, she heard the sound of someone crying. Intrigued, Serenity followed the sound to a shaded grove and discovered a small girl, about the age of seven. "Hello. Don?t cry," Serenity soothed as she approached the girl. "Are you a fairy?" the girl asked in wonder, her sapphire eyes growing wide. Serenity smiled and shook her head. "No, do I look like one?" Serenity asked and the girl nodded. "Why were you crying?" "I?m lost," the girl said simply. "I came to the meadow yesterday afternoon but I can?t find my way back." "How about if I help you?" Serenity offered and the girl nodded again. "What is your name?" "I?m Gensai Kaori," the girl replied with a shy smile. "It?s very nice to meet you Kaori-chan. My name is Serenity. Why don?t you describe your house to me and I?ll see if I can locate it," Serenity suggested. "I live in a two-story white house in a small village called Shinitu. We have a two-foot high wooden fence that surrounds our yard to keep Dinma in," Kaori explained. "Dinma?" Serenity asked perplexed. "Our makoru. She?s brown, fuzzy, and always getting into trouble," Kaori said with a laugh. "Allow me a few minutes of silence, and I?ll try to find your home," Serenity said and then closed her eyes. An image began to form in her mind of her surroundings. To her left she saw the edge of the meadow, and a dirt path leading away through the trees. In front of her, she saw a lake that seemed to stretch on for miles. To her right she saw the edge of the meadow, and a sign by a path. Concentrating hard, Serenity struggled to read the sign. Shinitu! Serenity opened her eyes and smiled down at her young friend. "Looks like you?re going home," Serenity said cheerfully. "Really?" Kaori asked in disbelief. "Yes, to the right at the edge of the meadow is a sign that bears the name Shinitu and a narrow dirt path. That is how you got here, isn?t it?" Serenity asked Kaori. "Yes, I came down a wooded path that had fields of flowers around it," Kaori replied excitedly. "Then why don?t we head that way," Serenity suggested and held her hand out to Kaori who gladly took it. Serenity led the way, sometimes closing her eyes to check her bearings. "Please, tell me how you knew which way to go," Kaori pleaded after a few minutes had passed. "It?s hard to explain Kaori-chan, but I can sense my surroundings. I could visualize the landscape, and I could even read the sign next to the path. I guess you could call it a talent," Serenity said with a smile. "You said you weren?t a fairy when we first met, but you wear the dress of a fairy," Kaori said shyly. "Dress of a fairy?" Serenity asked, and glanced down at her dress and then at Kaori?s clothing. Kaori wore a coarse ankle-length brown skirt with a short-sleeved off-white shirt. Her shoes had thin soles that didn?t offer much support, but at least protected her feet from the elements. "I see what you mean," Serenity murmured. Then Serenity took the disguise pen and shouted, "Moon Power! Turn me into a peasant girl!" The pen instantly worked its magic, and a simple olive colored dress and a white shawl replaced the beautiful princess dress. "You are a fairy!" Kaori exclaimed and reached out a hand to touch the new dress. "You used fairy magic." "No, it?s just another one of my talents," Serenity said with a smile. "Now, the path should be right here," Serenity announced as they cleared the meadow. The two girls now stood on a dirt path and Kaori spotted the sign. "Look, this is the right way," Kaori said happily and began to skip beside Serenity. Soon they entered the town and Kaori had taken the lead. "My parents will be ever so grateful," Kaori admitted. "Look, there?s Dinma in our yard! I?m surprised she didn?t try to find me herself. Momma," Kaori cried as she entered through the wooden gate. "Kaori! We were so worried about you," said a woman who ran out of the house. "Who is your friend?" "Momma, this is Serenity-san. She found me in the meadow and helped me find my way home," Kaori explained. "Thank you, Serenity-san. Why don?t you stay for lunch?" she invited. "Thank you, but I really must be on my way. I?m glad I could be of help," Serenity replied. "Oh please Serenity-san! Just stay for lunch," Kaori pleaded. "Very well Kaori-chan, but just for lunch," Serenity conceded with a laugh as Kaori pulled her inside. Serenity didn?t recognize many of the foods that were offered to her, but each dish was delicious and Serenity was sad to leave. "I?m sorry, Kaori-chan," Serenity said after lunch was over. "I do have to leave now." Kaori ran to Serenity?s side and hugged her tightly. Serenity gasped as she saw the future of the planet as she held Kaori tighter. Nagesya?s minions would attack the planet and torture the inhabitants before Serenity would be able to return. "Will you come back and visit us again?" Kaori asked with the innocence of a child. "I?ll try," Serenity replied softly, "but I can?t promise anything." Serenity thanked Kaori?s parents for the wonderful meal, then retraced her steps to return to the meadow. "Kaori?when I return to Earth, that is the name I will give as my own," Serenity vowed as she returned to her princess form. Serenity glanced quickly about to make sure no one was near, then formed the orb around her. She ascended quickly into the sky and fled behind the clouds to camouflage her swift departure. The orb broke through the thermosphere easily, and Serenity looked down upon the planet sadly. Using what little power she still had, she focused it to put the people on the planet below to sleep. At least they will not feel any pain, Serenity thought sadly before leaving to continue her quest. Rei held the brooch tightly in her hands, knowing there was someone who needed it more than her. She made her way quickly through the crowds of people on the sidewalk, and finally came upon the apartment building she had been searching for. Here goes nothing, Rei thought as she entered the building. By a stroke of luck she remembered which floor Mamoru stayed on, and took the elevator. When she reached his door she began to have second thoughts. I really don?t want to see him, she thought and then had an idea. Pulling a piece of paper from her back pocket, Rei quickly scribbled a note then put it on the floor, with Usagi?s brooch on top. Before she lost her nerve, Rei knocked briefly on the door and then ran down the corridor. "Just a minute!" Mamoru called and made his way to the door. His apartment was a mess, things scattered across the floor and all over the furniture. He opened the door and stood looking into the empty corridor for a minute. Now we have practical jokers living in the apartment, Mamoru thought darkly, then noticed the brooch and gasped. He fell to his knees and gently picked the brooch up. Underneath the brooch was a note that read: Mamoru-san... I?m sorry that I didn?t wait for you to open the door, but I thought that if I did I would probably just end up crying. I know Usagi would want you to have this to remember her by. I hope it helps to ease your pain, if only just a little bit. Rei "Pu?" a girl called out tentatively. "Small Lady, did you call for me?" Sailor Pluto asked as she appeared before the young princess. "I sense something is wrong, the crystal?s glow has faded. Tell me, what is happening in the past?" the princess implored. "Do not worry, Small Lady. I have also sensed the ripple in time, but I believe it will not cause any harm," Pluto soothed and smiled affectionately. "Has the Queen sensed anything?" The princess quickly glanced away at the mention of her mother. "She does not want to scare me, so she keeps the truth to herself. She fears I am not strong enough. Pu, I am now a Sailor Senshi, so why must she still hide things from me?" Small Lady entreated, trying not to cry. "You are correct when you say she fears for you, but not entirely. Your mother has faced many dangers throughout her lives, and they still haunt her to this day. She only wishes to protect you because she loves you so much," Pluto replied sadly. Small Lady glanced up gratefully at her friend, then collapsed to the ground in pain. "Small Lady!" Pluto cried as she bent down to help the princess. "Pu? Promise not to leave me," Small Lady murmured as she began to fade out of existence. Pluto glanced quickly about and was shocked to discover that the entire palace was beginning to fade away as well. "Small Lady!" Pluto exclaimed fearfully as the form disappeared completely. "No! What has happened?" "Sailor Pluto! Quickly, form a time capsule around yourself before you too are altered by the events occurring in the past," Fortune called as she appeared beside her. Without a word Pluto did as she was told, and stood outside the boundary of time and watched Crystal Tokyo fade out of existence. "What has happened?" Pluto entreated the stranger that stood beside her. Fortune sadly glanced about the desolate planet that had reverted back to a frozen wasteland. "So it has begun," Fortune announced softly. "Your time key allowed you to remain in altered space when the changes first began. That is why you did not fade away as quickly as the others." "Tell me what has happened and I will journey to twentieth-century Tokyo and prevent this from happening," Pluto implored and Fortune shook her head. "Only the one previously known as Sailor Moon can alter the outcome of these events. I permitted you to remain outside of time because I believe your powers will be needed in the final battle. You must not prevent the chain of events that altered the future!" Fortune ordered and Pluto bowed her head, finally realizing whom it was that stood at her side. "I will do as you command, Keeper of Time," Pluto replied humbly. "Do not bow to me, Sailor Pluto. Are you not also a Guardian of Time?" Fortune asked lightly. "You honor me," Pluto answered and slowly raised her eyes. "Can you tell me nothing of what has occurred?" "Nagesya has escaped from her dimensional prison and has gone to Earth for revenge. I sent dreams to Sailor Moon about what the future of Crystal Tokyo would be if Nagesya won. I also revealed to her that she must no longer fight as Sailor Moon, for then the Senshi would all be destroyed and she would have to face Nagesya alone. In that time stream she would loose the final battle and the consequences of that you have seen," Fortune explained wearily. "If she cannot fight as Sailor Moon, how can she defeat Nagesya?" Pluto asked. "She must find a way, I can say no more. Even I do not know what will happen to this world. Watch the events unfold through a time mirror, and you will know when you are needed," Fortune ordered as she disappeared. Pluto obediently formed a time mirror and looked back upon the past. "Usagi!" Rei jumped up quickly and glanced about the room apprehensively. Usagi had been gone for a week now, and Rei?s apprehension had grown. She had been meditating before the fire for hours, seeking guidance from the Great Spirit. Suddenly she had sensed a great darkness and fear had encircled her heart. The fire?s crimson flames had leapt up hungrily, and this Rei also considered a sign of misfortune. I don?t like this at all, Rei thought as she dashed out of the room. Rei walked briskly down the corridors until she reached her grandfather?s room. "Grandfather?" Rei called from outside the room. "It?s Rei, please open the door. It?s very important that I speak to you." "What is it that you want at this time of night?" Grandfather asked grouchily as he slid the door open. "I need you to meditate with me Grandfather. I have sensed evil, but it was hidden from me. If both of us meditate then the Great Spirit might guide us," Rei beseeched. "Please, Grandfather?" "Very well, I don?t think I could fall back asleep after what you just told me. Lets go then and seek the fire for guidance," Grandfather said as he led Rei back to the meditating room. He was surprised when he saw the height of the flames and how red they had become. "Rei, when did the flames become like this?" "When I opened my eyes after sensing the darkness I discovered the fire like this," Rei explained. "You were right Rei. A great evil is coming, one I do not think we can defend against," Grandfather said dejectedly. Usagi...please be safe, Rei prayed as she stared at the flames and a abominable scene flashed before her eyes. A planet of innocents had been destroyed, and Rei cried softly as her Grandfather peered deep into the fire. "Halt interloper!" a man shouted as he stepped out of a portal of haze in front of Serenity. "Who are you?" Serenity asked fearfully, failing miserably from keeping the tremor from her voice. "I am the Watcher. You are trespassing on forbidden space! This is a sacred nebula!" the man roared and held his staff threateningly. Serenity clutched her brooch in fear, and the Watcher recognized it and immediately lowered his staff and bowed. "Forgive me noble Warrior," the Watcher entreated humbly, taking Serenity by surprise. "No, please. Do not bow to me," Serenity begged, and the man cautiously raised his eyes. He glanced tentatively at the brooch and gasped. "It is only the vial of Eridanus, but not the essence. Please, great Warrior, tell me how you gained possession of the vial," the Watcher implored. " mother, the Queen of the Moon Kingdom gave it to me," Serenity stammered, surprised by his question. Vial of Eridanus, Serenity thought confusedly. "Gave...then you did not earn it which is why it does not contain the essence. Although you are an unprecedented warrior, anyone could tell by your energy output, you have not faced the challenge," the Watcher mused. "Challenge?" Serenity asked uneasily. "Everyone who seeks the essence to become a superior high avatar must face a challenge, a challenge chosen by that which the warrior seeks," the Watcher tried to clarify, failing entirely. "I don?t understand," Serenity murmured, raising a hand to her forehead. "Let me try to explain, you seek to become the avatar of Eridanus, so it is Eridanus who will ultimately choose your challenge," he explained. "Eridanus...the river of I the avatar of Eridanus?" Serenity asked the Watcher. "Not yet, but I believe you will be. All that remains is for you to complete the challenge, which I know you will succeed. Your aura glows bright, possibly the purest I have ever seen. Then you will be granted the essence of Eridanus, which will take its rightful place in your ?brooch.? When that is accomplished, you will be able to use the vast power to fight the darkness," the Watcher said confidently. "I?m still confused by the essence. I don?t understand what you mean by it," Serenity admitted. "The essence is the ?soul and body? of Eridanus, it is what will give you power to draw upon, power to fight. The ?body? is mainly the power, while the ?soul? is what helps you do what is right. A high avatar can never be turned to a path of darkness, because the ?soul? will protect them from such influences," he explained. "Now I understand," Serenity said with a smile. "Will you be my guide to where Eridanus resides?" "I would be honored to assist you. A word of warning, you must be very cautious when you face the challenge. Most beings that seek to become avatars already have a transformation, and are banned from using them until the challenge has ended. I do not sense that you have a transformation ability, correct?" the Watcher asked. "I used to, but I left my brooch on my home planet to help protect it from the darkness in my absence," Serenity explained. "It is better that you do not have your brooch with you, because many have attempted to use their transformations during the challenge and wind up losing the one they had to begin with. Do not fear Warrior, I have seen many beings who have wished to become the avatar, but among them all you alone will accomplish the task," the Watcher encouraged as he led her through space. "Now it is time to see your true bravery and strength." "Isn?t that Shingo-kun?" Minako pointed across the street as she and Ami were walking home from school. "Yes it is," Ami replied then ran across the street to talk to him. "Good afternoon, Shingo-kun!" Ami called. "Good afternoon, Ami-san. Have you received a postcard from Usagi yet? We had one in yesterdays mail from Australia. There was a picture of a kangaroo chasing a bunny. It was hilarious!" Shingo laughed. "No we haven?t received anything from Usagi-chan. Do you think I could borrow her postcard to show the others at school tomorrow?" Ami asked. "Sure, just let me get it out. Here it is!" Shingo exclaimed triumphantly as he pulled the postcard out of his backpack and handed it to Ami. "See you later, Ami-san!" Shingo called as he took off after a couple of his friends. Ami walked back over to where Minako was standing and showed her the postcard. "Do you think it?s real?" Minako asked after she finally was able to stop giggling over the picture. "We can have Rei-chan do a fire reading, but I don?t think it?s necessary," Ami replied. "Well, we?d better be sure though. Just in case," Minako finished quickly. Ami fingered the postcard and sighed. I only wish it were real, she thought sadly. A few minutes later they arrived at Rei?s temple and began the long trek up the steps. Yuiichiro greeted them and told Minako Rei was meditating, but he would tell her they were waiting. "Actually we need Rei-chan to do a fire reading for us," Minako interrupted. "All right. I?ll take you to her," Yuiichiro offered reluctantly and then sighed. Hope she doesn?t yell at me for interrupting her while she?s meditating, he thought. "Rei-san, your friends Ami-san and Minako-san have come for a fire reading," Yuiichiro said quietly, not wanting to startle her. Rei looked at him questioningly but he just shrugged his shoulders. "Hey guys, what do you want me to do a fire reading for/" Rei asked perplexed as they entered the room. "We met Shingo-kun on our way home, and he let me borrow this postcard from Usagi-chan," Ami explained, showing Rei the postcard. "A fire reading will accurately show whether it is real or not." "Let me try it," Rei said, taking the postcard from Ami. After several minutes of trying to do a fire reading, Rei gave up. "It?s not real," she sighed. "Come on Ami-chan, did you really expect it to be?" "No," Ami said quietly, glancing down at her lap. Her glasses began to slip, and she automatically readjusted their position out of habit. "She?s going to come back! You?ll see one day that you are both wrong. I don?t believe she is just going to leave and never return, and I can?t believe that you two do!" Minako exploded furiously, then stormed out of the temple. Ami stood up surprised, and was ready to follow Minako when Rei stopped her. "Let her go. She needs some time to herself," Rei said and Ami consented, knowing it probably was for the best. Everyone needs to be alone sometimes. "Lady Tyriah!" Eban called from the flight deck. "What is it, General?" Tyriah inquired. "The scout ships arrived at Earth an hour ago," Eban reported and Tyriah?s eyes widened in surprise. "They managed to reach the planet already?" Tyriah asked in an amazed tone. Eban gave a small nod before explaining. "It seems so, my Lady. The akuryou warriors were scouting the planet and were immediately discovered by the Senshi. Three of our warriors were destroyed by the time the battle ended," Eban finished with a mental wince. "In one hour those idiotic Senshi managed to destroy three of our warriors!" Tyriah exploded. "Well, they were the weakest of our warriors," Eban said in an effort to calm her. "That makes no difference! These Senshi are stronger than I had presumed they would be. Send an order to the scout ships to remain unseen until we arrive," Tyriah ordered. "I?m afraid that is impossible, my Lady. First, we will not arrive in the solar system for two months, and the Empress will want an update before that. And secondly, I?m afraid that we, lost contact with the scout ships," Eban finished lamely. "What?!" Tyriah shrieked, her calm composure replaced by a look of complete disbelief. "The battle apparently damaged the communications device aboard the scout ships; we lost communication about twenty minutes ago. At that time, we are sure that the rest of the troops had managed to..." Eban was interrupted mid-sentence by Tyriah. "You believe they are safe, but you cannot be sure," Tyriah snapped. The Empress is not going to be pleased with this turn of events," she mused. "Does the Empress need to know?" Eban inquired innocently, and Tyriah shot him a look of incredulity. "This is not something that we could hide from the Empress," Tyriah moaned. "Why not? If we have lost communications with the scout ships, then that means the Empress cannot contact them to check our story. We can just explain the transmission failure on a freak meteorite storm the ships passed through before they landed on Earth," Eban suggested. Tyriah thought Eban?s plan over, and it seemed like a plausible idea. But can I really deceive my Empress, Tyriah wondered. If she ever discovers I lied she will punish me severely. Then again, if she discovers that three of the akuryou warriors were destroyed within an hour of their landing on Earth, she will have my head. "Very well, General. I give you permission to put your plan into motion," Tyriah sighed and waved him away. "Now leave me be." Some days I just shouldn?t get out of bed in the morning, she thought sardonically and smiled to herself. Tomorrow is another day, and that means another planet to conquer. Special thanks: To Naoko Takeuchi for creating this wonderful series. To Sarah Anderson, editor and friend, who gave me great advice and helped me through hard times. All the fanfic authors I have ever read: couldn't have done this without all of you!