Standard Questionably Useful Disclaimer: Sailor Moon and all related characters were created by Naoko Takeuchi; and are copyright to Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei, DIC and whoever else. This fanfic is intended solely for entertainment purposes and no violation of said copyrights is intended or implied. If you want to put my fanfic on your site, please e-mail me asking for permission first. This story and all new characters are MINE (copyright 2000)!! Author's Notes: Rated PG-13 for mild language My series begins where Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Sailor Stars ends I use the Japanese names, last name first Nagesya = Dark Empress = Empress Eban = young warrior akuryou = evil spirits tousotsu = elite leaders youma = monster Achernar = brightest star in the constellation of Eridanus Three Stars of Orion - Mintaka, Alnitak, Alnilam sensei - added to name of teacher chan - used for babies, small children, close friends sama - used for formal occasions and to show a great deal of respect kun - used after a boy?s name (sometimes for a girl) For Future Reference: In place of Princess Serenity, I will just put Serenity. In place of Sailor X, I will just put X (X standing for whatever planet) Senshi Avatars Episode 06 - Legend of the Daystar written by Eridanus ( Serenity gasped at the giant who stood before her. His white hair had light shades of blue streaked through it, and his eyes were a piercing hue of azure. "Watcher, who is this woman you bring to my abode? She has a strong warrior spirit. Speak now!" Eridanus ordered. "She is a Warrior and seeks to become your avatar," the Watcher replied and bowed. "Your power is great Warrior, but so is your love. Tell me, why do you aspire to become my avatar?" Eridanus asked Serenity. "I am Princess Serenity of the Moon Kingdom from the Silver Millennium. Dark forces destroyed my home and I was reborn on Earth in this time, but so was the darkness. I became a Sailor Senshi to defend the Earth and the people that live there. Four more Senshi joined me in that war, and I was chosen to be their leader. We defeated narrowly defeated that source of evil, but others soon followed. "A new enemy fled from the future to this to century when they discovered the future Kingdom was impenetrable and too powerful. My fellow Senshi and I chased them back to the future where we met another Senshi and defeated the dark minions, then returned to our own time. For a while peace settled over the Earth, and we lowered our guard. "Then the daimons appeared and so did two other Senshi. Just when we had almost lost the war, the final Senshi appeared. She was the Senshi of destruction and rebirth, and willingly relinquished her life to save our world. I could not allow her sacrifice so I followed her, and somehow managed to bring her back as an infant. I was then the true Messiah, and could tap into the power of the Holy Cup even though it had already been destroyed. "Our latest enemy had been Galaxia, who had been influenced by Chaos to revert to a lifestyle of darkness. She managed to claim the lives of the other Senshi excluding the Starlights and myself. I proved to her that she could not stand alone as she had tried and hope to survive. Galaxia had believed herself to be the strongest Senshi throughout the galaxies, and that she was the only one who could control Chaos. She took it upon herself to seal Chaos within her body, but made a fatal mistake. I helped her discover that no one being alone could defeat Chaos, it was up to everyone. I freed Chaos and sent it back to where it belonged, in the hearts of everyone. "Now an even greater enemy is roaming throughout the galaxies, destroying planets without a seconds thought. Nagesya managed to escape from her dimensional prison and will soon attack the Earth. Fortune came to me in my dreams and showed me what the future of Earth would be if I continued to fight as Sailor Moon. All of my Senshi friends would have perished, and I would be forced to face Nagesya alone. I would not be strong enough on my own to win, and billions of human lives would be lost. "So I left to seek out the Starlights who had helped in our fight against Galaxia. Before I left Earth my mother?s spirit appeared to me and gave me your vial. Now you know who I am, Eminent Eridanus. Only as your avatar do I have a chance at defeating the nefarious Nagesya. Please, grant me request to complete your challenge," Serenity pleaded solemnly. "So you are the renowned Sailor Moon. I have heard much of the battles you and your friends have fought, and applaud your courage. Galaxia became an infamous warrior that plagued the galaxies claiming the lives of innumerable beings, and you managed to look past the evil and saw the goodness within. I will permit you to attempt the challenge. I sincerely hope you succeed, Princess," Eridanus announced and then spoke to the Watcher. "I want you to train with her, prepare her. Return in twelve hours," Eridanus ordered. "As you wish," the Watcher said and bowed once more, then turned to Serenity. "Princess, please follow me to the training planet." Serenity nodded and gasped when a portal appeared before them. "Do not fear, the portal will transport us to the planet within seconds. It is much quicker than the alternative forms of space transportation," the Watcher explained with a smile. Serenity composed herself, then stepped into the portal with the Watcher. They instantly reappeared in the orbit of a planet, just as the Watcher had promised. "Oh, and Watcher? Please do not call me Princess. My name is Serenity," she murmured as they descended to the planet?s surface. "But you bear the titles of both Warrior and Princess, it would not be proper..." the Watcher began but was silenced when Serenity raised her hand. "Please...and don?t bow to me either," Serenity said as an afterthought. "If you wish me to call you by your birth name I will acquiesce, but I will still incline my head in respect," the Watcher stated firmly. Serenity sighed and decided it was better to quit while she was ahead. "So this is the training area," Serenity muttered as she glanced about the landscape. It didn?t look any different from a park on Earth, full of greenery and dirt paths. "Looks can be deceiving," the Watcher cautioned. "Can you tell me what the challenge is exactly?" Serenity asked, glancing at him thoughtfully. "It is different for every being, but you need not worry. It is not something one can truly prepare for, because one must confront the inner darkness," the Watcher explained absently. The Watcher?s words alerted Serenity, who contemplated their meaning in silence. Sailor Mars ran quickly after the youma, with Jupiter right behind her. "Damn this thing is quick!" Jupiter grumbled as she fought to keep up with it. "Mars Flame Sniper!" Mars cried as she unleashed her power on the youma. "Your turn, Jupiter!" "Right. Jupiter Oak Evolution!" Jupiter attacked and watched disgustedly as it disintegrated from the two combined attacks. "That?s the seventh one this week! I?m getting too tired for this. Good thing they?re not very strong," Mars confessed. "This one was stronger than the others, Mars. I don?t like it. It was so fast and it took both of us to take it out this time," Jupiter muttered. "Have you been able to sense anything from your fire readings?" Mars glanced quickly away, for she didn?t want to alert the other Senshi to the darkness that she had glimpsed a week ago. "No...the fire readings have told me nothing about these creatures," Mars admitted carefully. "We?d better alert the others that we terminated the threat so they can call off the search," Jupiter sighed. "Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn...come in. This is Mars. We destroyed the youma, and are now headed back to the shrine," she spoke into her communicator. "All right Mars, we copy. Venus and I will meet you at the shrine in ten minutes," Mercury responded instantly. "Uranus, Saturn and I are just going to head home," Neptune replied, and Mars noticed for the first time the dark circles under her eyes. Looks like someone has been having some rough nights. Probably Haruka?s temper, Mars thought sardonically and barely managed not to laugh while the communication link was open. "I bet Uranus is pissed that she missed the battle," Jupiter smirked. "I don?t think it?s just because of the lack of action," Mars said caustically. Jupiter glanced up at her sharply and Mars looked away ashamed. "I?m sorry, that remark was not called for." "Don?t tell me you?re sorry. You?re just lucky Haruka-san didn?t hear you. You know, she cares about Usagi-chan more than you do!" Jupiter exclaimed furiously and then walked away. Mars stared open-mouthed at her friend, feeling as though she had just been slapped. "Damn! Usagi...where the hell are you? We?re falling apart without you," Mars admitted to the open air and let the tears she had been holding back fall. A giant screen loomed in front of Tyriah, displaying an angry image of the Empress. "What do you mean the scout ships have been cut off from any communication?" Nagesya asked with narrowed eyes. Tyriah inclined her head in a submissive matter before explaining. "Right before the ships reached the Earth, they encountered a meteorite storm that damaged the transmission parts. The last communications we had with them was a week ago, and it was badly broken up. They had just managed to land on Earth, and had seen no signs of any Senshi. They informed us that they felt taking control of the Earth would be an easy task, one which they themselves might be able to accomplish. I gave them orders to wait until we arrived before announcing our arrival. The humans are an extremely weak race, much like the beings of Light. We should have no difficulty in capturing the planet in your name," Tyriah boasted, and Nagesya did not notice her less than confident tone. "See to it that you do. The Earth shall be mine!" Nagesya ordered as the screen went blank. Tyriah gave a sigh of relief, and Eban stepped up to stand at her side. "It seems that she believed you," Eban remarked. "For now anyway," Tyriah responded. "Damn! I can?t believe I told her all of those lies. The battle for Earth is going to be anything but easy, and I have led her to believe that just twenty akuryou warriors could dominate it," Tyriah muttered. "What was I thinking?" "You were thinking of a way to save your life," Eban answered instantly. "A few lies will not hurt the Empress as long as she doesn?t find out about them. Besides, the Darkness is far superior to the Light, so there is no chance that we can fail," Eban observed smugly. "The Empress will rule over the galaxy and never need to know all of the details. It will be a glorious day when the Senshi and the other beings of Light bow down to her," he grinned. "Yes, that is the day I have always dreamed of," Tyriah admitted. "But now that day seems to elude me, becoming more distant with every passing day. I know there are rumors going around about the Tousotsu. People say the others want to take my place," Tyriah sighed and looked at her general. "What do you think about it?" "Me? The other three cannot compare with your war experience, or your power. None of the others can come close to rivaling you, my Lady," Eban responded confidently. "Oh?" Tyriah asked as she watched the scenes of outer space from the window. I wonder... Serenity raised her eyes to peer at the eight moons of Achernar. Rei-chan...I feel your sorrow and pain, Serenity thought and her own eyes began to water. The Watcher glanced over at Serenity and was surprised to see the sadness her face displayed. "Are you all right Serenity?" the Watcher asked concerned. "I?m fine," Serenity replied quietly, and forced herself to put her sadness aside and concentrate on the training. They had been sparring for the past eight hours and had not taken a single break. Serenity was impressed by the Watcher?s skill, and had held back in the beginning. Now she attacked and blocked as though he were a real enemy. The Watcher was impressed as well. He had sparred with many beings and none had ever held out this long against him. "How about we take a break?" the Watcher asked an hour later. "We still have two hours left, and I don?t think you need any more sparring practice." "You getting tired, Watcher?" Serenity asked playfully. "Maybe," he admitted with a smile. "Come on, this isn?t just a training planet. I?ll show you the Solar Chasm," the Watcher offered. "The Solar Chasm?" Serenity asked curiously. "It?s not something that can be described. I can teleport us to the Chasm in an instant," the Watcher suggested. "I guess I could use a break," Serenity relented and the Watcher opened a portal. They stepped through and were instantly transported to the other side of the planet. The Solar Chasm looked a great deal like the Grand Canyon, and a wave of homesickness hit Serenity. In the direct center of the Chasm a blue-white orb hovered in the air and vast amounts of energy radiated from it. "What is that?" Serenity asked in awe. "That?s the Daystar. It revitalizes the planet and supports life here. Without it this planet would just be a barren wasteland, completely devoid of any life. No one except for maybe Eridanus knows its true origin, but there are lots of rumors. It is said to have been created in the beginning of time, torn between the darkness it was born from and the light it could create. For thousands of years it switched from one to the other, then finally became the source of goodness that guards this planet," the Watcher explained. "It?s exquisite," Serenity murmured and concentrated briefly to form a flight orb around her. In an instant Serenity was hovering beside the Daystar, and the Watcher quickly followed. "Do not touch it," the Watcher warned from a few feet away. "It may look very beautiful, but it is also very dangerous. It could drain your energy completely, or it could give you so much that you would overload from the drastic intake." "Is it really capable of causing that much damage?" Serenity asked in wonder. "Yes," the Watcher replied gravely. Serenity glanced at him, suspicious of his tone. "It claimed the life of someone before, didn?t it?" Serenity asked. "Yes, a being that I was supposed to prepare for the challenge. I have brought no one here since," he replied almost inaudibly. "Why did you bring me here, then?" Serenity asked slowly. "I knew you would enjoy the sight, and I...I don?t know why," the Watcher said exasperated. "I just knew that I had to bring you here," he said and shrugged in aggravation. Serenity realized that he was telling the truth, he really didn?t know why he had brought her to the Chasm. She glanced back at the Daystar and made an impulsive decision, hoping it was not one she was going to regret. Before the Watcher had a chance to stop her, Serenity sped toward the orb and reached out her right hand to touch it. The sky exploded in a brilliant white flash and when the Watcher had regained his sight, he couldn?t believe the sight before him. Serenity hovered unharmed next to the Daystar, but what shocked the Watcher even more than that was the fact that an elfin lad had appeared at her side. Serenity gazed at the teenage boy in surprise as he bowed to her. "Who are you?" Serenity asked the boy in astonishment. "My name is Hiraki Etsuya," the boy answered eloquently. "I am the Sprite of this universe. You have summoned me from my extensive sleep, and for that I am undyingly grateful. A spell had been cast on me two millennia ago by a pernicious sorceress that trapped me within the Daystar. In that prison I was to spend the rest of eternity, but your purity broke the witch?s spell. "I would like to thank you for releasing me from my prison. My specialty is in the magic arts and technology, so you may choose any device and it will be yours," Etsuya promised. Serenity thought his offer over and instantly knew what she would ask for. "Please, will you create six communication rings equipped with homing devices for me?" Serenity asked Etsuya. He nodded and she continued to describe what she wanted him to forge. "The first will be for me, so please put the symbol of Eridanus on the jewel. The next three will be for male avatars, and their symbols should be those of the stars of Orion: Mintaka, Alnitak, and Alnilam. The fifth ring will be for the female avatar of Mars, and the sixth will be for the male avatar of Earth. The last ring must be slightly different, instead of using the planet?s symbol I wish that an image of a rose be etched upon it," Serenity entreated. "I will do as you wish, and you will receive the rings once you have completed the challenge of Eridanus," Etsuya bowed once more and then vanished in another flash of light. "I?m worried about Mamoru-san," Ami said quietly. "I know what you mean. I talked to Motoki-san yesterday, and he told me Mamoru-san hasn?t been going to work or to school. He hasn?t even been going to the arcade. Motoki-san went over to Mamoru-san?s apartment, but Mamoru-san wouldn?t let him in!" Minako exclaimed. "I can?t blame him though," Makoto confessed. "I mean, he is completely in love with Usagi-chan and then she tells him she doesn?t love him. It has been a rough two weeks for him, and I don?t think they are going to get any better for quite a while. I don?t know how he survives, when everything he loves has been taken away from him," she finished sadly. "We have to believe in her," Minako cried, angrily pounding her fist on the lunch table. "Usagi-chan wouldn?t just leave us when another enemy arrives. She is our leader, we must never forget that." "Poor Rei-chan," Ami murmured. "What do you mean, Ami-chan? Rei-chan is definitely not someone we should be feeling sorry for," Makoto replied vehemently. "You?re wrong Mako-chan. Rei-chan cares about Usagi-chan like a sister, and would give anything to save her. Usagi-chan?s departure has hit her just as hard as it hit Mamoru-san. She can?t stand the thought of Usagi-chan never coming back, or of having to become leader. I don?t know what happened between you two the other night Mako-chan, but you should know by now how much Rei-chan cares for her," Ami responded emotionally. Makoto stared at Ami in surprise, and realized what she said was true. "Guess I should apologize to Rei-chan after school today," Makoto sighed heavily. "Anyone feel like coming with me later? Oh, well. Thought I might as well ask," Makoto said with a small smile. "And if anyone glimpses sight of another youma you?d better call me on the communicator, because I feel like I really need to hurt something." With a wave goodbye to the group, Makoto stood up and threw away her garbage. Lately she?d been bringing too much food for lunch, but she was so used to sharing with Usagi. Makoto hurriedly turned away from her friends before they saw her cry. Special thanks: To Naoko Takeuchi for creating this wonderful series. To Sarah Anderson, editor and friend, who gave me great advice and helped me through hard times. All the fanfic authors I have ever read: couldn't have done this without all of you!