Author's Notes: Hello, sorry this took so long to produce. Hope your enjoying the holidays! finding spare time is so hard lately :) Hope this will prove to be worth the wait. All comments to: Copyright Notice: Sailor Moon is copyright Naoko Tenchi and is being used without permission (I hope that no one takes offense!) and I reserve all posting rights. Note: Sailor Pluto = Susan Sailor Uranus = Erica Sailor Neptune = Michelle Whose Reality is Right? Chapter 13 "A new Moonrise" Darien seeing Daniel disappear realized that now was his only chance to get free of his bonds, for he knew that like himself, Serena could sense when he was in danger and she would walk right into the trap that Daniel had laid! With that thought running through his mind he redoubled his efforts to free himself. Daniel found himself back at the North Pole, his mind awash in images he could neither place or name. His vision began to clear and he found a sneering Malachite hovering over him, "Well, it looks like Metalla's favorite new pet isn't quite housebroken!" and he laughed a laugh that was full of scorn. The dark ring on Daniel's hand flared to life and the laughing Malachite found himself at the end of Daniel's arm, Daniel's grip was so strong Malachite had been cut off in mid gloat. "Shut up you fool!" Daniel snarled "I can still destroy you with barely a thought, not to mention your beloved Zoicite. I'd be very careful about who I make fun of!" and Daniel flung Malachite hard into the far wall! Malachite's head was swimming, both from the abrupt cut off of his oxygen and the pain that was shooting through his body, he had barely a moment to gather his wits when Daniel set upon him again. Daniel pulled the nearly limp General up to his face "By the way, was that you that pulled me out of that fool Tuxedo Mask's apartment?" Malachite paused to try and gather his wits angering Daniel even further and the General suffered as Daniel sent jolts of Dark Energy into him in an attempt to refresh Malachite's memory. Daniel asked again, his face and voice the picture of calmness, but Malachite knew that he would pay for any further delay in answering him. Malachite stammered "I was following Metalla's orders, she told me to retrieve you at the first sign of a problem and your aura began to waver strangely so I brought you back here". Daniel released the Dark General who crumbled to the floor in a heap "I see". Daniel murmured "It appears I must make it clear to our Regent that I do not appreciate being interfered with without my consent... and as for you". Malachite gulped involuntarily, "Stay out of my way, I'd have no problem eliminating you, Metalla's orders be damned!" and Daniel stalked off. Malachite thought to himself "Metalla has created a monster, if she's not careful handling him he'll destroy us all!" and the Dark Kingdom General disappeared in order to consider his next move. Serena and the girls minus Mina (who had been unreachable on the communicator) stood outside Darien's apartment. "Well, we're here Meatball brain what now?" Rei grumped. Serena shot a sharp look back at the fiery Scout "Duh, we get in the apartment pyro!" and soon enough another war of tongues began. Ami suddenly spoke with surprising authority "Enough! Serena we're here because you sensed Darien was in trouble! We're not going to find anything out with you two acting like five year olds!" Ami's outburst had brought the two combatants up short "She's right Serena" Rei muttered "First priority is Darien" Serena nodded and suddenly produced a key in her hand. "Where did you get THAT?" The girls all asked in shocked unison. Serena blushed "Well, er um that is..." and the group broke up in fits of giggling despite themselves. Meanwhile, inside the apartment Darien struggled fiercely against his bonds, his progress being measured in agonizingly slow seconds. Suddenly he heard the girls laughter outside and his heart sank "I gotta get outta these bonds or the girls are going to walk right into Daniel's trap!" Meanwhile, Mina had left her communicator at home, not wanting to have to deal with any Scout business and she had gone to a secluded area of a local park that only she knew about. When she finally got settled in she let her outward fa硤e drop and began to sob quietly into her hands. "Why is this so hard?" Mina sobbed to herself "I mean Serena went through losing Darien and she didn't snap at her friends or abandon them". Artemis who had followed Mina from her house suddenly appeared and spoke up, "Each of us deals with loss in our own way, maybe because you're normally so happy you react more strongly than anyone else". Mina jumped to her feet, "Artemis! What are you doing here?" The white cat jumped at the loud way in which the question had been put to him. "I was worried about you, it's not like you to abandon your friends... Or your duties as Sailor Venus" and with that the cat arched his eyebrow towards Mina's arm and waited for an explanation. Mina sighed "I don't know what to do Artemis, I mean I've got this really bad feeling that I might have to fight Daniel, maybe even try to destroy him and I don't know if I can do that!" and the blondes head sank back into her knees. Artemis looked at his charge in mute sympathy "Mina, I think you forget that it's not just your feelings that are at stake here, it could very well be the fate of the entire world that rests on your ability to do what has to be done. I mean what do you think Daniel would want you to do?" Mina thought about it for a moment and sighed "He'd want me to destroy him if there was no other way to stop him... But" Artemis stood up "No buts Mina! You have to do what you must and Daniel if he truly loves you will understand that. Now come on the girls went over to Darien's place because Serena sensed something was wrong! We've got to see what's up" Mina stood up but still had a lost look in her sparkling blue eyes. Artemis nuzzled Mina's leg "Don't worry, if anyone can help him I'm sure you can Mina, I have confidence in you and so do the others! Now come on." and with that the cat took off towards Darien's apartment. Mina thought to herself "You all may have confidence in me Artemis, but I'm not sure I do anymore" as she took off following the cat. Meanwhile, back at the North Pole Daniel had found a quiet room in the base and dozed off, but his was a fitful sleep... Daniel found himself suddenly back on the Moon Kingdom, dressed in some type of armor in the chamber of Queen Serenity. Suddenly Queen Serenity appeared and spoke in a voice much louder than her slight form seemed capable of producing "What do you have to say for yourself?" Daniel was taken aback by the question "Pardon me your Majesty?" Daniel enquired in a small voice. Serenity spoke again "How dare you attack my daughter the Princess Serena and her Royal Court! I trusted you and took you in when you needed shelter and aid and this is how you repay that kindness?" Serenity was fairly shrieking now and all Daniel could try to do was utter apologies "But my Queen, I'm, I'm not in control of my actions, Metalla has poisoned my body with Dark Energy, I'm powerless to resist..." Serenity fairly exploded at that comment "Powerless? You are one of the most powerful beings in the universe!" and suddenly Serenity calmed down "If nothing else, think of the Lady Venus, that alone should give you the strength you need to break free of Metalla's clutches. Now go and please heed my words, the continued existence of the universe depends on you" and suddenly Daniel sat bolt upright in the bed, eyes unfocused but the golden ring glowing with a steady beat... Back at the apartment, Serena was just putting the key into the lock when Rei suddenly felt a cold wave wash over her. "Serena don't..." and she pushed Serena out of the way even as Serena was opening the door. Suddenly a blast of Dark Energy erupted through the doorway enveloping the other girls who began screaming in pain. Serena looked at her friends in shock and made to go towards them "No Serena!" Rei cried "Don't come any closer!" Serena didn't know what else to do but stand there, terror in her eyes for her friends predicament. Ami spoke through pain clenched teeth, "Serena, try the Imperium Silver Crystal...". Serena hearing Ami's words called out, "Moon Healing Activation!" The beam from the crystal washed over the girls and headed inside the apartment, for long seconds nothing seemed to be happening until they heard a "pop" like a plastic bag exploding. The Dark Energy beam terminated and the girls collapsed. Serena rushed over to them "Are you all okay?" Serena asked in a worried tone. "Aside from feeling like I stuck my hand into a live wall socket, fine" Rei coughed out. Serena checked the others over and seeing they were okay helped them into the apartment. Serena then went looking for Darien and found him tied up in another room. After freeing him Serena asked "Who did this Darien?" Darien stood grim faced as he attempted to rub feeling back into his wrists "Daniel did" Serena stood there in mute shock "Are you sure? Couldn't it have been an illusion by Metalla or Malachite?" Darien shook his head and recounted the entire battle with the now corrupted Daniel, "Nope, it was him alright. Hold on, did any of the girls get hit by that Dark Energy trap he set up?" Serena paled "Yes but Rei pushed me out of harms way and I destroyed the trap with my crystal, why?" Darien sighed "Serena, ask the girls if they can transform. Daniel said the trap wasn't meant to destroy you, just strip you of your Scout powers..." Serena suddenly dashed into the other room, several exclamations of surprise and anger later, the girls tried to transform, but aside from a few sparks, nothing happened. "Great, we've got Malachite & Zoicite running around loose along with Metalla and now they have Daniel under their power, and we're down to Serena and Mina only having their powers, can this possibly get any worse?" Rei sighed. Suddenly Mina came into the room "Hi guys, I'm sorry I didn't get here any sooner, the door was open so I let myself in..." Ami sighed "You had to ask didn't you Rei?" Meanwhile back at the North Pole Malachite and Zoicite were making plans of their own "With that fool Daniel's loyalty to Metalla in question I think it behooves us to show our Regent some initiative and destroy those Sailor brats, don't you agree Zoicite?" Zoicite nodded but her face told a different story "But what if Daniel finds out about us attacking the Scouts without Metalla's orders?" Malachite snorted, "If that fool dares interfere with our plan, it will only to serve to prove that he is not the loyal follower that Metalla believes him to be". (And it will give me the excuse I need to destroy that fool for what he did back on the Moon, Malachite thought to himself). "Come" he addressed Zoicite. "We must prepare" and the two Dark Kingdom Generals disappeared. Metalla had been watching the entire exchange secretly and chuckled to herself "I think I should let my slave know his loyalty is being questioned" and Metalla went off to find Daniel to inform him of the plot that was being hatched. Back at the apartment, Mina had not taken the news well, going from denial to angry denunciations to sullen understanding as Darien outlined for her and the others what had happened to him. Ami asked Darien to repeat just how Daniel had left the apartment and suddenly Mina having caught the gist of what Ami was getting at brightened "You see? I knew he couldn't be all evil, it's just not in his nature!" Ami tried to calm Mina down, "It's only a theory Mina, I could be dead wrong about it. Besides given the fact that we're down to only two active Scouts, anything we do, Daniel will have to be the one who comes to us" Serena suddenly stood up "What about the Outer Scouts? If we ever needed help we could sure use it now" The others nodded and the group took off for Erica & Michelle's home. Metalla had just finished informing Daniel of the plot that Malachite and Zoicite were beginning against him. His response was to say the least unexpected as he began laughing in a maniacal tone "Those fools presume to plot against me?" and he nearly doubled over laughing. Metalla grew tired of his laughter and asked in a sharp voice "What are you planning to do about it?" Daniel stopped laughing and merely said "That depends on just how attached you are to those two traitors my Regent" and he chuckled more softly this time, the menace readily apparent. The Inner Scouts had made their way to Erica & Michelle's place and been shocked to find that Daniel had already come calling and left his unique brand of devastation in his wake, leaving Erica & Michelle powerless and Holly trapped in a Dark Energy bubble. Serena was able to free Holly from the Dark Energy prison using the Imperium Silver Crystal, but Holly was in no mood to help the Inner Scouts with their plan to free Daniel. "He's got to be destroyed, you've seen what he's capable of" Serena stood and gave what she hoped was her most commanding glare "No way Holly, we've got the Imperium Silver Crystal and it does work against the Dark Energy he's been poisoned with. We can't just destroy him without even trying to help him" Mina nodded and gave a smile towards Serena, grateful that Serena was willing to stick up for Daniel. Holly sat stone faced "You may be our future monarch Serena but if I don't do this you won't have to worry about ever assuming the role of Neo-Queen Serenity!". Holly then turned her attention to Mina with a sad smile "Mina, you've got to realize that the longer he remains in Metalla's power, the more influence she will have and Daniel will become an even greater threat than he is now!". Mina stood up and towered over Holly "The answer is still no!" Your not going to touch a hair on his head over my dead body" Holly's sad smile disappeared "If that's what it takes..." This statement had all in the assembled group including the two Outer Scouts staring slack jawed, hardly believing she meant what she had said. Suddenly Sailor Pluto appeared "and where have *you* been Susan?" Erica and Michelle demanded hotly. Sailor Pluto merely said "Those of you who can still fight must come with me, Malachite & Zoicite are destroying the waterfront, time is of the essence!". Those who still had Scout powers gathered around Sailor Pluto and were teleported away. Darien however, was not willing to sit there and called out, "Anyone who wants to come with me down to the docks to help the others is welcome to, but I'll be damned if I'm just going to sit here worrying!" And as one the remaining Scouts scrambled into Darien's car, the overflow crowding into Erica's car. At the docks Malachite & Zoicite were having great fun terrorizing the helpless dockworkers. Zoicite remarked "By now we'd have a squadron of Sailor Brats on our case, do you think that Daniel actually succeeded in stripping the Scouts of their powers?" Malachite snorted "Not likely, that pathetic loser couldn't get the job done if his life depended on it!" (To himself however Malachite thought it strange as well that no Scouts had shown up yet to try and stop them) Suddenly, in a flash of temporal energy Sailor Pluto appeared along with Sailors Moon, Venus and Saturn. Malachite was taken aback and called out "We see to be missing a few Scouts here. Did the others fail their merit badges for good deeds?" and he laughed maniacally. Sailor Moon stood and delivered her speech "Terrorizing innocent dockworkers is wrong and on behalf of the Moon I'll punish you!" Zoicite laughed in her high pitched giggle "Sure you will Sailor Misfit! ZOI" and suddenly a force ball exploded from her hands and headed towards Sailor Moon who jumped out of the way with seconds to spare. Sailor Saturn pointed her Glaive at Malachite who merely laughed "Oh the littlest Scout comes to threaten me with an oversized can opener! I'm shaking in my boots!" Suddenly he heard a voice whisper behind him "Dead Scream" and Malachite flew forwards, past Sailor Saturn and into the wall of a building! "Oh you're going to pay for that!" and he flew towards Pluto enraged. Darien had just pulled up in his car and gotten out along with Ami, Rei and Lita to witness the battle raging before them, and as the other car containing Erica & Michelle came to a halt Zoicite noticed them. "Oh look, it's the remainder of the Failure Scouts and Cape Boy. Aren't you a little underdressed? ZOI!" and the group dove for cover even as the force ball crashed towards them. Sailor Moon having gained a momentary respite when Zoicite had broken off her attack, turned to see what had diverted Zoicite's attention and screamed "NO!" even as she saw Zoicite preparing another force ball to use against the trapped and powerless Scouts. Zoicite released her attack and even as she smiled with a grin of satisfaction, from out of the sun a white hot beam came and intercepted her attack, destroying it!" Zoicite turned, a snarl on her lips "Who dares thwart the will of Zoicite?" A disembodied voice called out "I do Negatrash, going to make something of it?" Zoicite turned and attempted to see who or what had interfered with her attack but the sun was blinding and all she could make out was a shape. It looked human, and the voice was barely recognizable as male. "Who are you?" Zoicite demanded. "Merely an avenging angel my dear" and a white hot beam enveloped Zoicite who fell to the ground screaming in pain. Malachite had his hands full trying to combat both Sailors Pluto & Saturn but when he heard Zoicite's scream he teleported away from his battle and joined his beloved, who was on the ground in agony. Malachite cradled her head "Who did this? They will pay" Zoicite pointed weakly skywards "Him..." and her hand fell limp to her side. Malachite stood up stiffly and looked into the sun seeing the figure leaving "Coward! You attack and then run away? Come back here!" and Malachite took off attempting to follow, having forgotten all about the Scouts. "OK, this is getting too weird" Sailor Moon muttered even as she and the others watched Zoicite's body crumble to dust and vanish. The group stood in silence for a long moment, after seeing Zoicite's body disappear, being to shocked to speak until Sailor Saturn spoke. "Well, whoever that was they saved us the trouble of destroying Zoicite". Sailor Moon spoke up "But who *was* that?" Ami, whose computer had been open during the battle and been analyzing Zoicite's and Malachite's attacks could only offer "Whoever or whatever it was it's power rates nearly off the scale!" The others said nothing until Sailor Pluto turned on the powerless group, hands to her hips, and spoke "Just what did you think you going to do to those two without your powers? If it hadn't have been for our mysterious benefactor you might have been killed!" Sailor Moon whirled on Sailor Pluto "Susan, let them be, I would have done the same thing if I was in their shoes". Sailor Pluto's voice took on a hard edge "Then you too might have thrown your life away for nothing" and Sailor Pluto walked away forming a portal with her Garnet Staff. Before she could step through it however, Sailor Moon called back "Thanks for your help Susan, we really needed it" Sailor Pluto turned and smiled "Any time" and she disappeared into the portal. At the North Pole Malachite appeared, anger radiating in waves. "Whoever did that, they'll pay dearly for it" "Whoever did what, Malachite?" Malachite whirled to see Daniel standing there a grin on his face "Don't tell me you and Zoicite couldn't take out the few Scouts I left you. I gave you more credit than that" Daniel said in mock sympathy. Malachite whirled on Daniel "Shut up fool! I don't need to hear this from you". Suddenly a suspicious look passed through Malachite's eyes "Where were you for the last while anyway?" Daniel seemed puzzled by the question "Not that it was any of your business Peroxide Boy, but I was here discussing my plans for the Scouts should you and Zoicite fail" Malachite was seething now, "Can you prove that fool?" Daniel began to get impatient with Malachite "Look, what is this all about and where is Zoicite?" Malachite really lost it now "Zoicite's DEAD! Thanks to someone who blasted her with a 'white' energy beam" Daniel started laughing and Malachite screamed "What's so funny you clod?" Daniel was able to stop laughing long enough to say "Oh good one Malachite. Got any other lame excuses as to why Zoicite isn't here?" Malachite lost it now, tearing towards Daniel, murder in his eyes. Daniel backed away from the first attack "Malachite, stop this foolishness or I can't be held accountable for what may happen" Malachite merely screamed again and pressed his assault. Daniel merely shrugged "It's your funeral fool" and began to counter attack. This fight unlike the one at the docks between the two combatants was short and swift. With Dark Energy guiding his every move Daniel easily overcame the Dark Kingdom warrior and had him laying on the ground in a prone position. Suddenly Metalla appeared and Malachite saw his chance, "My Regent! I believe this fool is a traitor to your glorious cause, for he attacked and destroyed Zoicite and attacked me!" Metalla laughed, "Pathetic Malachite, for your information Daniel WAS here all this time and you went after the Scouts without my orders. This is treason" and she looked at Daniel "You know the penalty for treason correct?" Daniel smiled an oily grin "Of course my Regent" turning to Malachite he smiled "Well, I can't say as it was nice to know you Malachite" Malachite gave a look of sullen defiance and spat in Daniel's face. Daniel merely wiped the spit from his face and said "I'll be sure to write that on your gravestone fool" even as he plunged a Dark Energy sword into the fallen warrior. As the body disappeared, Daniel turned to Metalla "With your permission my Regent I will take care of those foolish Scouts once and for all?" Metalla turned away, "Yes, you may but make sure they are destroyed utterly, I will not be satisfied with them being powerless this time! The Dark Energy ring and the original ring on either hand flashed briefly and Daniel spoke "Understood my Regent" and Daniel disappeared... Next up Chapter 14: Decisions & Consequences