You Don't Remember How I Feel By Doug Helm and "Tuxedo" Will Wolfshohl Those characters that are original and the story "You Don't Remember How I Feel" are copyrighted (c) 1999 by Douglas Helm & Will Wolfshohl. This fanfic and hundreds of other Sailor Moon fanfics reside in "Tuxedo" Will's SM Fanfics Archive at and Send comments to: Douglas "Candle Light Author" Helm ( or "Tuxedo" Will Wolfshohl ( Chapter 11 - Bad Memories Usagi looked around Misako's bedroom and gave a low whistle. "Wow, they really cleared this place out." "Yep," Misako replied from her position on the bed. Her parents had removed the stereo, computer, posters, and anything thing else that a normal six year old would not have. "But they let me keep my journal." Usagi walked over to her sister and said, "I'm really sorry, Miko-chan. Gomen." "They're doing the same to your room, 'Sagi-chan. It's all part of this punishment," Misako replied. "I know, Misako," Usagi stated, "But that wasn't what I was talking about." Misako looked at her curiously. Shifting slightly, she said, "I know I kinda stepped on your toes when we were explaining things to Mom 'n' Dad." Misako smiled and sliding off of the bed, moved to where her sister was. "'Sagi-chan, I like having an onee that'll protect me." Usagi smiled and Misako gave her a little hug before adding, "But I went into this knowing what I was doing. It wouldn't be fair to you to take all the blame. And it was partly my plan, 'Sagi." Sometimes Usagi was overprotective but Misako knew she had the best big sister around. "I know," Usagi replied, "I wasn't trying to not say it was. I just figured that since I was already in trouble... well... that it didn't make any sense for you to be too, Imouto." "I accept your apology, Onee-chan," Misako said, "Just as long as you know how I feel." She had been about to say more when she noted her father coming into the room. "Konnichiwa Dad." "Hello Miko-chan, Usagi-chan. Usagi-chan, your mother's almost done." "Hai. Well, I guess I'll go see how bad the damage is," Usagi muttered and wandered out of the room. Endymion was starting to turn to leave when Misako called out, "Uh... Dad?" When Endymion turned back, Misako opened her mouth but nothing came out. Misako wondered, "It's nothing..." she finally said. Endymion gave her a smile and turned back towards the door again. "Dad, can I ask you something?" "Nani?" Endymion asked while turning around to face his daughter again. "Could you close the door and sit down first?" Misako asked. Endymion nodded and after closing the door, moved to sit down on Misako's bed. "Dad, uh... you remember when you were Usagi?" "Hai," Endymion replied, "Misako, I did promise to try and stay calm, ne?" Misako bit her lower lip for a moment before saying in a rush, "Are you gonna punish me for spanking you?" Endymion blinked, "Nani?" Misako shuffled her feet a little and repeated, "Are you gonna punish me for spanking you?" She shifted nervously as her father regarded her intently. "Miko-chan," Endymion began, "I'm not going to punish you for that." Reaching out, he said, "Come up here for a second." When Misako moved closer, Endymion lifted the little girl up and settled her onto his knee. "Now, I have a couple of questions for you. First, did you think I deserved it?" Misako was silent for a moment or so before saying slowly, "Yeah... You didn't listen to Younger Jupiter. I mean you could have got hurt and you really worried us. What you did was wrong." Misako paused another moment before adding, "But I don't think you woulda spanked Usagi." For some reason, she was a lot more confident as Endymion than now. "Honto? Why not?" Endymion asked while trying not to sound indignant. "Mom would have," Misako speculated, "Or at least, I think she would have. So you're not mad at me, ne?" "Iie," Endymion answered while hugging the little girl, "Not for that. Now my second question is, would you do it again?" Misako seemed surprised for a moment before asking, "You mean if I was you again and you were Usagi?" Endymion nodded. "Well... I didn't like to punish you. What you did was wrong and I guess I would do it again." "You were a great dad, Otou-san," he told her as he continued to hug his daughter, "But you'll be a better Mommy." He smiled as Misako gave him a slightly surprised looked before when hugging him back. ****** "You're his favorite," Usagi pointed out. It was around seven that evening and both girls were sitting in Misako's room talking. "Of course, he didn't get mad at you." "'Sagi-chan, I don't think Dad woulda got mad at you. He seemed serious to me," Misako countered. "I think we can believe them." Usagi sighed a little bit before shaking her head slowly. "I guess so... Maybe I'm just disappointed that things didn't go like I thought they shoulda." "Mom promised she'd listen, ne?" Misako prompted, "Give it a chance, please 'Sagi-chan." Usagi just stared moodily at the floor and didn't respond. Misako was about to launch into a pep talk when a knock came at the door. "Come in." "Ne, what are you two up to?" Serenity asked when she opened the door and stepped into the room. "Nothin'," Usagi replied, "I'm surprised you knocked." Serenity ignored the sarcasm and explained, "You might be six physically but there's no reason to invade your privacy too much. Baths will be slightly different but I'll only be in the next room and not in the bathroom with you." "Mom, what are those?" Misako asked as she noticed the bundle of clothing under her mother's arm. "These are your pajamas, Mesume," Serenity replied. Taking the bundle in both hands, she held up the two sets of bunny-style pajamas. "Aren't they kawaii? Although Rei really isn't into bunnies I'm afraid so you have to choose between kittens and teddy bears." "I won't wear bunny pajamas!" Usagi protested, "Especially ones WITH a flap on the back." "I'll take the teddy bears please, Mom," Misako piped up. She'd rather look six than four. She giggled at that thought. "Here you go, Miko-chan," Serenity remarked as she handed the requested pair of pajamas to her youngest daughter, "Hmm... That reminds me... You both can either call me `Mom' or `Mommy' this week." "Arigato Mom," Misako replied. At least, there was a choice. "Aren't you listening, Mother?!?" Usagi demanded. "Nani, Small Lady, did you say something?" Usagi grimaced, sighed, and took a deep breath. "MOM... Yeah, we look like six year olds but you just got finished sayin' we're really teens. Can't we wear regular pajamas... or maybe a nightgown? Please?!?" "Usagi, you know we said that it would be a full treatment and that includes clothing. And it makes sense to simply borrow older clothes from Rei rather than having perfectly good clothes altered for a week." Holding out the pajamas, Serenity added, "Now please change, Usagi-chan, and then your father will read you a story before bed." "I will not change, MOM," Usagi growled petulantly, "I won't!" Her sister was really undercutting her position. Somehow, Usagi didn't think so but then, why was Misako happily going along with it? Misako thought with a sigh, Without a word, Serenity marched over and lifted little Usagi up. "Say goodnight to your onee, Miko-chan." "'Night, 'Sagi-chan," Misako squeaked regarding the little girl being held by their towering parent. Usagi just glared defiantly up at her mother. "Say goodnight, Usagi-chan," Serenity instructed. Usagi remained silent. "I'll be back in a little bit, Miko-chan. You get ready for bed." Turning, she started for the door and at first, Usagi struggled in her arms but once in the hallway, the child just slumped forward defeated. Misako thought, She'd have to remember to thank Usagi for making such a fuss. ****** Sometime later, Usagi found herself sitting in a corner in her room. She was dressed in a powder blue pair of bunny pajamas with cute kittens adorning them. Usagi thought sullenly, She had planned on defying her mother for making her wear such childish pajamas; the ensuing tussle was short and brief. Serenity simply changed Usagi into the pajamas without comment. Shifting on her chair, Usagi gave a little sigh. Not that she, a young woman nearly sixteen years old, would really go for having a story read to her but a story was better than sitting in the corner. Besides, she would be keeping Misako company. She supposed it was destiny or as Misako had started calling it, "Karma". She had been encouraged by Misako's report about their parents being serious about these talks. Usagi did feel a little guilty though because she still felt dubious about the sincerity of her parents. It just had to. Usagi wanted nothing more to be able to hug her Mom with something more than reserved coolness. However, she had to be strong for Misako until she was sure. She was pulled from her melancholy thoughts as the door opened and her father came into the room. "All right, Usagi, time for bed." ****** Serenity jerked awake as a scream tore through the stillness of the night. Felling disoriented initially, she wasn't sure she had heard it. And then another came. Jumping out of bed, Serenity quickly picked up a nearby robe and donned it while heading for the door. When she reached the hallway, she was at first going to go into Misako's room but then, she noticed that her youngest daugther had also come out into the hallway. Turning, she made her way towards Usagi's room with Endymion and Misako following closely behind her. Coming into her eldest daughter's bedroom, Serenity saw that the child was sitting up in bed, her eyes wide and haunted. There were signs of tears that Usagi had quickly wiped away. "Usagi-chan," Serenity said while moving over to the bed, "What's wrong?" She sat down and wrapped her arms around the little girl who immediately hugged her back. Serenity's eyes flicked towards the doorway before coming back to her. Giving her daughter a reassuring squeeze, Serenity got up and walked over to Misako and Endymion. "You two go back to bed. I'll handle this." "But Mom..." Misako began to protest. "It'll be okay, Miko-chan," Serenity soothed, "Usagi won't be alone." Reluctantly Misako turned and went back to her room. Endymion cast a worried look towards his eldest daughter before turning and leaving as well. Once they were gone, Serenity shut the door and came back over to the bed. "You okay, Usagi-chan?" "I... I think it was a nightmare, Mom," Usagi replied softly. She didn't complain when her mother lifted her into another hug. It just felt right. "Do you know what it was about?" Usagi was silent for a long moment before she answered, "I'm not really sure... I saw these eyes staring at me. I felt like they were looking right into my soul." She still could in some way. Shivering, she pressed closer to her mother who hugged her. "It was a man, a nobleman." Serenity stroked Usagi's hair gently, trying to reassure her daughter. "Why was he staring at you?" Usagi swallowed and began to explain, "I understood when I was big but now..." She had lost that understanding. All she felt now was revulsion at what she had done. "Usagi," Serenity prodded softly, "What did you understand?" Usagi was silent for another long moment before turning her face up to regard her mother's. "When I was you, I had to sentence a man to death." She gave a little shudder then before continuing, "I just remember him staring at me with this haunted expression on his face. I knew why I had to even if I didn't like it. In the dream, he asked me why and I couldn't tell him. I couldn't remember!" She shook her head for a moment. "He wanted to know if I hated him... Now I just don't understand how I could do that to his family." Killing a youma was one thing but killing a human being... "Usagi-chan," Serenity began, "Being a queen means doing things you don't like to do. I would feel badly if I had to do the same thing." She looked down into the face of her daughter and a memory came to mind. "I remember when I had to step aside and watch Sakuya being put on trial. All I wanted to do was to pardon her, to make Makoto and you happy but I couldn't." She gave a little sigh then and continued, "You were so angry with me for not freeing Sakuya. I would have done it in a second if only I could have." "But you couldn't," Usagi said, "Does it get easier, Mom? I mean being cold?" "Iie, it gets harder, especially when you can understand why people do what they did. A leader is often faced with such decisions but it's rarely easy." Brushing some hair away from Usagi's face, she added, "Usagi-chan, you faced an important decision and while you might not understand it now, you will later on." Usagi still felt nervous. She didn't know the answers but she knew she didn't want to be alone. "Would you stay with me, Mom?" She couldn't believe she had just asked that. "Hai," Serenity agreed. Standing up, she pulled back the covers and laid Usagi down again before pulling the covers up around the little girl's chin. Taking off her own robe, Serenity lay down beside her daughter. Usagi snuggled closer to her, using her arm as a pillow. Serenity hugged Usagi while she spent the next little bit stroking Usagi's puffy hair and talking reassuringly to her daughter. Eventually Usagi feel asleep and when Serenity lay her head next to Usagi's, she too fell into slumber. ****** The early morning Sunday sunlight streamed in through the only partially curtained windows. Serenity moaned a little and shifted. She lay still wondering why things felt strange and then she recalled last night. Slowly opening her eyes, she found a pile of strawberry-blonde hair before her. Carefully she pushed some of the hair aside to reveal Usagi's young face. At rest, it was calm and peaceful looking. The little girl showed no signs of her previous night's distress. Serenity could feel the warmth of the small body pressed against her. Serenity thought, She had felt a deep affection for Usagi when the little girl had visited the past. They had even had something akin to a sisterly relationship but even that hadn't been too deep. Usagi's role as a her future mother kept getting in the way, especially when Misako was around to remind them of it. Serenity thought sadly. She blinked as tears stung her eyes. She had felt horrible when Endymion, as Mamoru, had rejected her but even that hadn't compared to how hurt she had felt when Endymion, as her onee, had rejected her as his little sister. And her parents had taken that away. Because as Usagi, Endymion had shown her how much his sister had meant to him. Serenity was startled a little when she heard a soft voice ask, "Mom?" The tone was concerned and sleepy. Looking down, she saw Usagi looking up at her with concern. "Are you okay?" "Iie," Serenity responded with a sniffle. Wiping her eyes, she sniffled again and declared, "Usagi-chan, would you believe I just realized how important Misako is to you?" Usagi blinked and then stared at her mother in puzzlement. "I mean, I knew you two were close but I never knew how strong a bond it was." "We're close still," Usagi commented, "I'd do anything for Misako." "I know, Usagi-chan, just like Endymion would do anything for me," Serenity replied, "But I never knew how much it would hurt either you or Misako when we set both of you against each other." Brushing a stray strand of hair out of Usagi's face, she continued, "We made everything you two had in common into a competition. Kami-sama knows, I treated her unfairly in situations where both of you were concerned. I even tried to get her to be like you in the past." "It's a little late now, Mom," Usagi replied. When her mother winced, Usagi sighed and said, "Gomen, but it's true." Usagi got up and after climbing out of bed, headed into the bathroom and shut the door. Serenity thought. Laying her head back down, she closed her eyes and fell asleep again. When Usagi came out, she paused for a moment and then went back over to the bed and after crawling up beside her mother, went back to sleep as well. ****** After breakfast on Sunday, Neo-Queen Serenity called a special session of the Senshi Council to inform them of recent events. To say that the Council was displeased would be understating the matter. After all, the two Royal Princesses forcibly overthrew the rightful King and Queen, placed themselves on the Throne, and endangered the entire timeline. Once Serenity had presented her case to the Council, she went home to wait with her family. The day seemed to drag slowly on. By the time it was time for supper, none of the Royal Family was very hungry and nerves were becoming frayed. When the private door chime rang, it was all anybody could do to stop themselves from rushing en mass to the door. "I'll get it," Serenity announced then directed her daughters, "You two, stay in the living room." Misako and Usagi sat on the couch nervously straining to hear what was being discussed. It seemed like an eternity before footsteps sounded in the hallway. And then Serenity came into the room followed by Minako who stopped short. The Senshi Commander's mouth swung open and she stared between the two six year old girls and Serenity. "I... I... Kami-sama, I didn't think you actually meant they WERE six!" "Minako-chan, I did inform the Senshi Council of exactly what I had done," Serenity replied while moving to stand beside her husband who was sitting on the arm of the couch. "I know it's just... I thought I wasn't understanding you correctly," Minako replied. "So, what did the Council say?!" Usagi demanded as she hopped up and stood on the couch so she could look at Minako more levelly. "Please sit down, Usagi," Endymion requested. "I will when she answers," Usagi countered with her hands on her hips. "Konbanwa Commander," Misako greeted, "Don't mind Usagi. She hasn't had her nap today." She smiled as Usagi gave her a sour look. "No use in being rude, ne Onee-chan?" "Gomen," Usagi apologized, "I didn't mean to be rude, Commander. I'm just worried..." "We all are, Usagi-chan," Endymion added. "Hai, Your Highness," Minako agreed, "Your mom wasn't going to let me in unless I had good news." After taking the seat Serenity offered her, Minako folded her hands in her lap and began. "Firstly, the Senshi Council feels that it is important to keep the monarchy stable. However, it has reserved its final decision about a trial until after this `bonding' period is complete to judge how well it's worked." "Bonding?!?" Misako asked. "That's how it will be played to the media and all others outside the Senshi Council, Your Highness. Elder Senshi will be posted at as guards and all Elder Senshi have been sworn to strict secrecy over this matter. The Younger Senshi will be told something else but I'll handle that." "Why? Won't the bonding part fly with them too, Commander?" Endymion asked. "Not when Elder Senshi are personally guarding the Royal Suite. The Youngers will know something more is afoot. As I said though, Your Majesty, I'll handle that aspect of it." "So how did the vote go?" Serenity asked. Minako gave her a disapproving look so she added, "Minako-chan, I know Council votes are secret but can't you at least tell me the numbers?" Minako hummed for a moment before replying, "It was a unanimous decision, Your Majesty. Sailor Pluto did not attend but that's not completely unusual. And then Younger Saturn was excused because this was only a meeting for Elder Senshi." Smiling a little, she continued, "I'll be by a couple of times during this week to see how things are going so that the Senshi Council can remain informed without intruding on your privacy." After politely refusing a cup of tea, Minako said her good-byes and left the Royal Suite, leaving the Royal Family to ponder what the Senshi Commander had said. ***** Usagi loved that particular Monday, even Misako enjoyed not having to go to school, even if she was worried about falling too far behind. Although they weren't allowed to sleep in, Usagi and Misako did get to watch television. However, it was limited to children's programs. Eventually they went outside to play while their parents puttered around the Royal Suite, doing things that they never seemed to have time to do before. Endymion kept looking outside, not to keep an eye on Usagi and Misako but to simply watch them play. He was happy to see that his daughters could be happy under the circumstances. It reminded him of times before the rift. At mid-morning, Misako lost her playmate as Serenity hauled Usagi off to try on old clothing. Giggling, she followed her mother and sister inside and noticed her father was on the couch. Wanting to rest a little bit, Misako walked over and hopped up beside him. "Have fun playing?" Endymion asked. "Hai!" Misako chirped with a smile, "Ne, do guys play like girls, Dad?" "Well, we don't play with dolls and stuff if that's what you mean," Endymion replied while wrapping an arm around Misako and hugging her, "But we play catch and stuff." "Guys don't play Youma Catch, ne?" Misako asked. Now that was an enticing thought. But that was because she had been Misako. "We didn't have Youma Catch when I was a boy," Endymion explained, "I bet a lot of boys would like it." Smiling then, he winked and added, "Although I think you'd scare them." Misako was silent for a long moment before replying, "I could be a boy... I mean with the Disguise Pen." Endymion blinked, "In a hurry to be a boy again, ne?" "Iie," Misako answered. And she was having enough problems with him. "Boys think they're so macho. I want to see one of them keep up with Sailor Chibi-Earth!" she giggled. "That would completely destroy their egos I think, Miko-chan," Endymion replied with a chuckle. "I know," Misako gloated. Sobering a little, Endymion asked, "Did you like being a boy?" "It was okay, I guess," Misako admitted, "I had to ask 'Sagi how to pee though." Endymion's eyes opened wide and he stared at his young daughter. "Hey, it didn't come with instructions." Endymion shifted a little uncomfortably and asked, "So do you have any questions?" "I don't think so, Dad," Misako answered after a moment, "I was kinda curious about what it would be like to be a boy." She frowned a little bit then said, "But I like bein' a girl a lot more." She was silent for a moment in thought before adding, "If I was gonna be a boy, I wouldn't want to be you." "Nani?!" Misako smiled and getting up on her knees, leaned towards her father and wrapped her arms around his neck in a hug. After a moment, she pulled back and said, "Because you're my dad and I wouldn't want to replace you." "Arigato," Endymion replied and gave her a kiss on the forehead. He grunted slightly as Misako turned and sat on his lap. She had missed being able to do that. That was one disadvantage of growing up. She snuggled back against him. There had been a few times recently that she had wanted to be able to sit on his lap and be hugged. Tilting her head back so she was looking up at her father, Misako said, "Dad?" "Hmmm..." "Can girls ride motorcycles?" "Hai." "Even princesses?" "I'm a king and I ride mine so I would think a princess could, why?" "Well, I did like the ride I had on yours," Misako remarked, "It was fun and well..." Endymion smiled softly for a moment and then said, "What if after this week, I take you for a little ride?" "Honto?" Misako asked while whirling around. When Endymion nodded, she gave a squeal of delight and jumped up to hug her father. This was a mistake because she drove her foot into a delicate place. Endymion gave a grunt and with a pained expression fell sideways onto the couch. ****** That night, Usagi spent the night in Misako's room at her sister's request. Wanting to talk, Usagi had happily accepted. She hadn't put up as much of a fuss about her pajamas as she had the night before although she still wasn't too pleased about having to wear them. It was well past the girls' normal bedtime and both of them were still awake. "Ne, what do you think Ami brought today?" Usagi asked. "I don't know," Misako replied then yawned, "'Sagi-chan, it's late. Let's go to sleep." It was harder to stay up late in their child bodies. "Misako," Usagi said while sitting up in bed and looking at her sister, "Why are you going along with this so easily? Yeah were six physically but that's it. If you and me resisted, we could get Mom 'n' Dad to give in on some stuff. Wouldn't you like to wear a regular set of pajamas?" Misako sat up and hugged her teddy bear to her. It was comforting to her. she thought, When her sister nudged her, Misako answered, "I hate this. I'd like to wear a shirt like I was doing before. I just can't see causing a big fuss when it'll just give us more trouble. We do sorta deserve this." "You could stop acting like a six year old though," Usagi pointed out. "Yeah, we're being punished but nothing says we gotta be miserable, ne?" Misako asked. When Usagi reluctantly nodded, she added, "Okay, so I might be overdoing it a little but how serious can you be in a situation like this?" "I guess I was going a little far then, ne?" "Iie," Misako responded, "We just look at things from different angles." "Hai, I guess so, Imouto," Usagi agreed thoughtfully. "Ne, do you want to trade..." "Forget it!" "Well, can I hold your teddy bear?" It wasn't a bunny but she didn't want to go all the way to her room to get one. "I'd rather grow up again then let you have her," Misako replied. Her sister's record with teddy bears was not good. Usagi pouted. "Please Onee-chan?!?" Usagi asked. Misako held her teddy bear closer and lay back down. "You're no fun." She got out bed and started for the door. "Oh all right, Imouto," Misako conceded, "You can hold her on one condition." "Nani?" "If you kill her, Mom gets to change you into a teddy bear." Whether it was the lateness of the hour or the absurdity of the requisition, Misako never knew but Usagi burst into a fit of giggles. ****** Serenity and Endymion watched in horror on Tuesday morning as both their children ate pancakes. By the time Usagi and Misako had finished the last of their pancakes, both little girls' hands and faces were covered in sticky syrup. "Why the special breakfast, Mom?" Usagi asked as she stuffed the last of her pancake into her mouth and chewed it with vigor. "Because Mizuno-sensei dropped off schoolwork from yesterday for you two to do today and you'll need your energy, especially since you both were up late talking last night." Misako gave Usagi a nervous look before saying, "You knew about that? Why didn't you come in and break us up?" "Because," Endymion joined in, "We weren't sure what you were talking about and figured it was best to let you talk. I think that should be another rule: people don't interfere in talks they happen upon." "Hai. Sounds good to me," Usagi agreed. "We got homework, ne Mom?" Serenity nodded. "I guess first grade homework won't be so bad." "It's your regular tenth grade homework, Usagi-chan," Serenity corrected, "Just not quite as much as normal, but we don't want you falling behind too badly." "But we're six!" Usagi exclaimed. "You keep telling us you're really a teen," Endymion countered. He tried not to chuckle as Usagi gave him a dirty look. "This isn't fair," Misako piped up, "How am I supposed to get help if I don't understand something?" Neither of their parents was interested much in that sort of thing and she wasn't so sure of Usagi right now. "I can't fall behind..." "Yeah!" Usagi piped up, "I'm still under THOSE conditions." The last thing she needed was to drop to a "C" and be removed from regular school classes. That Senshi Council edict had never been revoked. "WE'RE going to help you, Mesume," Serenity answered. Both girls seemed a little surprised "We'll be around to help both of you out. We'll do some after breakfast and then, we'll take a break and then, finish up everything before lunch if we can. Come on and we'll get you two washed up. Your school fuku are on your beds." "We gotta wear those too?" Misako questioned in confusion. "Only when you're doing your homework," Endymion replied. "We have to set the proper atmosphere for learning." ****** Despite her misgivings, Misako didn't find wearing a school fuku as bad as she had first believed it would be. There wasn't much difference between her first grade fuku, which Serenity found tucked away in a box, and her normal junior high school one. It was Usagi who discovered the biggest difference. Instead of a normal first grade Palace School fuku like Misako's, Serenity have provided her with the one she had worn in the past. It had a blue skirt while the top was white and trimmed in red. Despite being a year younger than when she had first returned to the past, the size was fairly close and the fuku was only a little loose. Upon coming into the living room, Usagi drew her sister's attention. Misako stared for a moment and then said, "What gives? Something special for the Crown Princess?!" "Iie," Serenity said, "We got this for Usagi because that's what we remembered her having in the past." Misako gave her mother a dubious look. "We remember her having one and figured things would just work out that way." "Hey, I didn't like being different either," Usagi fibbed. But she wasn't about to think about the timeline where she didn't have a sister. "I can have Luna-P make you one like Usagi's if you want it, Miko-chan," Serenity offered. "Iie," Misako said, "I like THIS fuku." She liked it because it reminded her of a better time, before she had been pitted against her sister in fierce competition. Usagi along with her sister and parents moved into the dining room where the homework was awaiting them. "Can we decided what to do first?" Usagi asked. "Hai, Mesume," Serenity replied, "We'll see how much you get done and decide when to take a break then." "I still say we should only have to do FIRST grade homework," Usagi muttered as she hopped onto a chair. She never really thought how much homework she and Misako did. An advantage of being Queen was there was no homework. "No way. I don't want to fall behind," Misako replied as she hopped up onto her chair. ****** "We should get a different table, Dad," Misako observed. "Why?" Endymion asked. "'Cause it isn't like the one in Onee... I mean Mom's room," Usagi replied. "It was one of those low square ones that we could all sit around and see each other." "We sat on Usagi's bed when I came over to help you," Endymion remarked to Usagi. "That was Mom's fault," Usagi replied, "She was jealous." "Who was sitting on whose lap?!?" Serenity asked. "Aren't we supposed to do homework?" Misako interrupted. "Gomen," Serenity answered, "You're quite right, Miko-chan." She leaned over to see what her daughter was working at and furrowed her brow slightly, "What's this?" "Geography," Misako responded. "Iie... this right there," she inquired while indicating a doodle with her finger. Misako blushed a little and said, "I think it's a kitten." Blushing even more, she hurriedly erased the doodle and then to distract her mother, asked, "What do they mean by this?" Serenity started reading the passage her daughter had indicated. "So did your mom read manga or actually study?" Endymion asked softly. "She studied," Usagi conceded and then giggled. "Mom was pretty good about doing homework. At least when `I' was around." She looked over to where Serenity was frowning over Misako's geography textbook and smiled. She glanced at her father and noticed his own smile as well. ****** Although both Misako and Usagi were busy, both little girls found that time seemed to drag on slowly. When Serenity saw Usagi just staring at her paper, she asked, "Ne, having problems?" "I know how to do this, Mom," Usagi said, "I just can't seem to get it." "Let me see," Serenity offered and moved around the table to look over Usagi. "Well you could do it like this," she suggested and taking Usagi's pencil started writing. Endymion who had been sitting beside Usagi leaned over to watch. "There!" Serenity finally declared. "Putting kawaii little rabbit ears on the numbers won't solve the math problem," Endymion observed then chucked. That brought back memories. "I was trying to make it more interesting for Usagi," Serenity explained. Usagi stared down at her paper and then looked up at her mother. "I'll give it a try," she said dubiously as she took the pencil back from her mother. Misako, having lost interest in her own homework, watched her parents and sister curiously. "Nope, all that did was make me draw kawaii little bunny ears onto my numbers," Usagi giggled. She wasn't going to mention the numerous doodles that covered the page. Why was she feeling so silly? "Here, let me show you," Endymion said and taking the pencil from Usagi started working out the problem while explaining each step. Some time later, Usagi was thinking that getting her parents' help was a mistake. Her father's solution hadn't been any closer than her mother's solution; the only thing it had accomplished was to launch both her parents into a debate on who was using the proper method. Finally tiring of her parents' argument, she declared, "I'll just figure it out on my own." "Hey, I said I'd help you out, Usagi-chan," Serenity replied, "I certainly used to in the past." "Yeah but she came to me for help too and you were never that good in math," Endymion argued. Serenity stuck her tongue. Misako rolled her eyes. "That isn't true, Mamo-chan. I helped her out lots of times you weren't around," Serenity remarked. Hearing a rustle, she saw Misako sliding off of her chair and heading for the doorway. "And just where are you going, Miko-chan?" "Someplace quieter," Misako remarked. "Without any books?" Serenity asked. Normally, Misako was the first to want all her homework completed quickly. Misako shifted from foot to foot while asking, "Mom, can we take a break?" She had a lot of energy she wanted to get dissipate and sitting on a chair doing homework didn't seem very appealing at the moment. "It's not even ten yet," Serenity observed, "Are you having problems? I bet I can help you." "Iie, arigato," Misako declined as she came back and sat up on her chair but she didn't pick her pen up again. "Whatcha doing, 'Sagi-chan?" "I'm trying to figure out this baka math problem," Usagi replied, "But Mom and Dad are fighting over how I should figure it out." Both her parents blushed a little bit. "I remember trying to help you out, Usagi-chan," Serenity mused as she moved to sit beside Misako, "Then Luna would scold me for not paying attention to my own homework." "Did you help Misako out a lot?" Endymion asked. "Iie," Serenity replied, "I nearly had to drag her into our study sessions. She wanted to be alone." "Probably because you were reading manga and laughing like a hyena," Endymion replied with a smile. "Yeah but Mom did help me," Usagi remembered with a smile, "And she's right, Dad, we had to drag Misako into our study sessions. Then, she just sat there and did her homework." "That's what we were there for!" Misako retorted and threw a wad of paper at her sister. Serenity sighed and shook her head. She batted a crumpled piece of paper that Usagi had fired back at her sister out of the way. But Misako never seemed to want or need her help. "Girls, that's enough," Endymion admonished gently. "I'm bored," Usagi announced, "I don't want to do this stuff." She was feeling restless. "Hai, I can't write as well and I'm slow..." Misako added, "Can't we take a break, please?!?" Serenity shook her head. "You took breaks all the time when you were Usagi and didn't want to do your homework." "That's right!" Usagi agreed. "Hai and look how badly she did in school," Endymion teased. "Nonsense. So I had a little slip every once in awhile," Serenity sniffed, "That doesn't mean anything. Now you've only covered one subject as far as I can see. Do another one and we'll see about taking a break." Misako suddenly had an idea. Much to her parents' distress, she climbed onto the table and kneeling in front of Usagi looked over the paper Usagi had been using. "I suppose YOU can solve it, Imouto?" Usagi asked dubiously. "Misako, get off the table," Serenity directed but Misako didn't move. After a moment of intense study, Misako announced, "Baka 'Sagi never changes. Get that five out of there. It doesn't even belong to that question." "Nani?" Usagi stared at the paper for a moment and then at her parents before regarding Misako who was just sitting on the table grinning at her. "Move over," Usagi commanded. When Misako obliged, she climbed onto the table beside her sister. "What are you doing?!?" Serenity asked. "Getting a new perspective, Mom," Usagi replied before breaking into a fit of giggles. End of Chapter 11 Coming next in Chapter 12 - Understanding