You Don't Remember How I Feel By Doug Helm and "Tuxedo" Will Wolfshohl Those characters that are original and the story "You Don't Remember How I Feel" are copyrighted (c) 1999 by Douglas Helm & Will Wolfshohl. This fanfic and hundreds of other Sailor Moon fanfics reside in "Tuxedo" Will's SM Fanfics Archive at and Send comments to: Douglas "Candle Light Author" Helm ( or "Tuxedo" Will Wolfshohl ( Chapter 5 - Motorcycle Madness Little Serenity felt warm and secure as she started waking up the next morning. She was cuddled close to someone and it felt nice. She knew it wasn't her sister though. This person was much bigger than her sister was. After opening her eyes and scrubbing some of the sleep away from them, Serenity saw that it was her mother. "Mommy," Serenity said softly. When her mother didn't answer, she gave her mother a little push and said a little louder, "Mommy..." Her mother mumbled something and rolled over to her back freeing Serenity from the hug. And her father wasn't around. <'Sagi play,> Serenity thought as she carefully crawled from underneath the covers and crept over to the edge of the bed. She didn't want to wake her mother up. Getting off the huge bed was a bit trickier. It was a bigger bed than she was used to but it wasn't impossible. Once off the bed, Serenity turned her attention to the door -- it was definitely closed. Walking closer, a little frown on her face, she wondered how she was going to reach the knob. Then her eyes came to rest upon a chair that was close to the door. Her first attempt at reaching the doorknob while standing on the chair was thwarted because the chair was too far away. After some grunting and grumbling about the baka chair, Serenity with difficulty managed to pull it close to the door. Her efforts were rewarded though when she managed to open the door and get out into the hallway. Since her room was the closest to the master bedroom, Serenity walked up to the partially closed door and pushed it open. She blinked at the brightness of the room. The early morning sun was just beginning to peek over the wall in the back yard and had started to stream in under the drawn shade. She smiled as she saw her older sister asleep in her bed. Walking over to the bed, she climbed onto it and crawled towards her sister's head. Endymion was on his side hugging a stuffed pink bunny to his chest. It was only then that Serenity gave the matter of waking her older sister up any consideration. She could not sit on her sister's back like last time. So what to do? "'Sagi?" Serenity called out while shaking her sister, "Pway!" Endymion grumbled and rolled to his back, still clutching the bunny. Taking her finger, Serenity poked it up one of Endymion's nostrils and started wiggling it. That had the desired effect. As Endymion batted her hand away, he sat up and stared bleary-eyed at his baby sister. "Hey!" "Pway!" Endymion scowled slightly before getting up on the bed. Walking carefully, he hopped off of it and headed for the bathroom. Serenity, of course, followed him. "Ne, Imouto, are you wet?" he asked. For the first time, Serenity thought about it and shook her head. "Maybe you should go." "Go where?" Serenity asked confused. "The bathroom," Endymion replied, "Just wait until I'm done and then you can try. Okay?" "'Sagi, pway... pwease?!?" "Hai," Endymion thought, "But just wait a little bit." ****** Usagi groaned a little bit as she rolled onto her side. she wondered to herself. Her eyes opened and she asked, "Miko-chan?" When there was no answer, she pushed herself into a sitting position and looked around. "Misako?" she called out in a louder voice. The only response that she could hear was that strange noise again. Upon listening closer, she realized that what she was hearing was giggling. Climbing out of bed and putting on a bathrobe, she left her room and looked up and down the hallway before peering into Misako's bedroom. Seeing it was empty, Usagi turned and walked towards the other bedroom. Usagi thought with some annoyance. The giggling was definitely coming from Usagi's bedroom and it was way too early for them to be having that much fun. When she looked into the room, Usagi's anger flared slightly at the sight of her two children jumping up and down on the bed. Then their giggling worked its way into her heart and she couldn't find it in her to yell at them. She fondly remembered doing the same at their age and could hardly blame them. She stood watching as both little girls bounced up and down on the bed in sheer joy; the bedframe giving an occasional groan of protest. It was Endymion who first spotted Usagi watching them. In mid-jump, he jerked suddenly and sat on the bed. Serenity who had her back to Usagi continued to bounce. "Hop! Hop! Hop!" Serenity giggled out, "Hop 'Sagi!" Serenity became concerned when her sister just sat there and stared. Stopping her bouncing, she turned around and looked to see what was distressing her sister. A tingle of electricity shot through her as she saw their mother standing in the doorway. Self-preservation caused Serenity to sit suddenly putting her bottom out of easy reach. "Ohayo, Mesume," Usagi said with a smile. "Mommy, I went potty!" Serenity declared, hoping it would distract her mother from their misbehavior. "And I helped, Mommy!" Endymion quickly added following his sister's lead. "Honto?" Usagi asked, "Sugoi, Miko-chan. Come on, I should change your diaper though." Serenity sat on the bed looking reluctant. Usagi mused as she walked over to the bed. Sitting down, she lifted both daughters onto her lap and hugged them. "You're a really good onee, Small Lady. Do you want to help me wake up Daddy?" Both girls nodded. "All right then, let's get Misako's diaper changed and then we'll go wake up Daddy." "Hai!" both children responded knowing they'd dodged a bullet. ****** The time between her world exploding into noise and her head exploding into pain was so short that it was nearly instantaneous. "DADDY! DADDY! WAKEY DADDY!" thundered through Misako's brain as it screamed in protest. Her bloodshot eyes were jabbed with painful points of light as the curtains were unceremoniously flung back. Her stomach rolled as two small bodies collided with hers. "WAKE UP, DADDY!" Endymion's high-pitched voice seemed to be like a razor cutting across her brain. "PWAY DADDY!" Serenity's higher-pitched voice shouted as she bounced up and down on her stomach. Her small rear sent shockwaves through his already protesting stomach. "Now girls..." Misako began softly but had to clamp her mouth shut to keep the bile down. Catching Serenity, she firmly pushed the little girl to one side. "Please stop that," she instructed by way of apology and sat up. That was a mistake. Immediately her head felt like it was exploding once again. "Time to get up, Endymion," Usagi announced coolly. Misako winced. "You're stinky, Daddy," Endymion observed as he backed away from the smelly breath. Misako flopped back onto the bed before pulling her pillow over her head. Misako moaned to herself, She felt horrible. She felt even worse than when she was fading away. "Come on, Mesume, let's go get breakfast," Usagi commanded. It was with some reluctance that the girls left the room. "I'll expect you up in five minutes, mister, or you can get your own breakfast," Usagi announced to her husband and emphasized her point by slamming the door on the way out. The noise caused another stab of pain to shoot through Misako's already throbbing head. Misako just lay there, not caring whether she ate or not. A small part of her mind, one that didn't feel like it was being attacked by the forces of evil, wondered how Hiroshi was making out. Another part felt the bile returning so she ran to the bathroom. ****** Endymion's kindergarten fuku top was white, its collar expanding out to a square-edged flap at the back. A tiny line of gold trim was set into the collar a short distance from the edge. A small gold bow set off the front. The fuku's skirt was a dark green; the hem of the skirt was trimmed with gold similar to the fuku top while a green bow was centered on the waistband at the back. Endymion had mixed feelings about the fuku, both good and bad. He had, however, resigned himself to wearing it. Sakuya hadn't shown any sympathy at him having to wear it. And she'd been mildly surprised that he was having trouble dressing. She seemed to expect him to be eager to see his friends at school. His life wasn't all bad though; Hana was a great friend. Despite his desire to get back to being a big boy, Endymion found himself slipping further into the role of his eldest daughter when Hana was around. It was easier and seemed more natural somehow. His friend also made kindergarten more endurable. He just wished his sister were old enough to be there with him. Most of Tuesday morning had passed enjoyably. Not being in trouble for bouncing on the bed, and even being allowed to bounce on another one, had been an excellent beginning to the day. Now the class was finger-painting. "Bunnies aren't that color," Endymion commented as he looked at one little girl's picture. "Bunnies ain't yellow." "Don't be bossy!" Hana admonished her friend. "I'm NOT bossy!" Endymion retorted, "I'm a princess." He felt a little irritation as Hana rolled her eyes. "Well, I am," Endymion muttered as he turned back to his picture. "Look Usagi-chan!" Hana directed, "It's your imouto." Endymion looked up and blinked. Most of the paper was covered in a slimy looking mess of green and brown paint. "Nani?" "Your imouto's gross!" the little girl with the yellow bunnies piped up, "She likes mud!" This sent giggles through the other girls that were close to Endymion. "Muddy Miko!" she added. That produced even more giggling. "Hey!" Endymion protested, "Misako isn't gross!" "Girls," their teacher warned, "let's just paint." Grumbling under his breath, Endymion went back to his painting. He stopped for a long moment and then looked at his hands. "Nani?" Hana queried, "What's that?" She pointed to a tall thin stick figure. "Me," Endymion replied. "You?" Hana asked looking between her friend and the picture, "Usagi-chan, you're not that big." "Am so. I'm the King!" This response got the girls giggling again, even some of the boys laughed. "I am!" Even Hana didn't believe him. "Iie, you're a girl." "I'm a boy!" he tried to correct his classmates. "And bunnies are yellow," the girl beside him chimed in. This game was getting old. "BUNNIES ARE NOT YELLOW!" Endymion yelled back. "Bossy Usagi and Muddy Miko!" Hana giggled as she held up her artwork again. She gave a cry as Endymion lunged, his eyes sparkling with anger. ****** "Arigato," Misako sighed as she took the teacup and, with a sigh, slumped back into her chair. Taking a sip, she rubbed her throbbing temples before looking across the table at Hiroshi, "All right, Hiro-san, what's next?" "The CTDF briefing with Elder Jupiter," Hiroshi replied as he looked at his PDA. "Let's order in lunch," Misako decided, "I don't think I can handle going out at the moment." "I'm afraid Her Majesty has already taken care of lunch, Endymion-sama," Hiroshi replied. Seeing his monarch's questioning look, he continued, "She's scheduled you to host a luncheon for that visiting Scottish band today." Misako covered her face with her hands. Misako moaned as Hiroshi kept on detailing the rest of the day and it seemed to be going from bad to worse. she thought, Her face contorted in pain as the phone rang shrilly. "Moshi moshi?" Hiroshi answered. After a brief pause, he turned and said to Misako, "Endymion-sama, it is Elder Mercury. She requires you at the school, as soon as possible." "Small Lady? Is she hurt?" Misako questioned, fear starting to rise within her. Hiroshi inquired and after another brief pause, answered Misako by saying, "It appears Princess Usagi has gotten into a fight." ****** When Misako entered the outer part of Mizuno-sensei's office, her eyes automatically traveled to the hard wooden bench. To her surprise, it was empty. No or Ami would have told her that. Swinging her gaze around, she spotted her wayward daughter in the corner standing on some newspaper with his head bowed. The little girl was covered from head to toe in paint of a variety of colors. The other corner contained similar sight. Misako wondered. She's so little! Certainly not the sixteen year old girl she remembered. "Konnichiwa, Your Majesty," a secretary greeted her. Small Lady only shifted his feet but didn't raise his head. "Mizuno-sensei is waiting for you... This way please." Misako gave Small Lady one more look before following the secretary into Mercury's office. Elder Mercury rose and greeted Misako with due formality before sitting back down. Once Misako was seated and the door closed, Mercury sighed a little and said. "Gomen, Endymion-sama, I didn't want to pull you out of anything important but I just couldn't handle this internally. Starting a fight is a serious matter." "Hai, I know, Mizuno-sensei, but are you sure Small Lady started it?" "Hai, quite sure," Mercury replied, "Endymion-sama... Small Lady was saying she was King..." "You don't believe her, ne?" Misako asked, a sense of panic starting to build. "Of course not, Your Majesty, although I do find it odd," Mercury admitted, "Has anything strange happened lately?" The panic rose a little more as Misako racked her brains. The headache that had started to recede rushed back again stronger than ever. Closing her eyes for a moment, Misako rubbed them before opening them again. Looking directly at Mercury, she remarked, "I think it's because Small Lady and Serenity are quarrelling. Small Lady wants Serenity to do something and Serenity is refusing." "Hmmm..." Mercury said. "Sensei, could we get back to what she did?" Misako asked. "Oh!" Mercury replied while blushing, "Gomen, Your Majesty, well let me read to you what her sensei reported..." ****** When Misako, carrying a struggling Endymion, entered the Royal Suite, Younger Jupiter and little Serenity came from the living room to meet them. "'Sagi pway?" Serenity asked. She had waited for what seemed forever for her sister to return from school. "Iie, Miko-chan, Small Lady won't be playing with you," Misako told her grimly, "She's been very naughty." Putting Endymion inside his bedroom, Misako added, "Miko-chan, why don't you go play while Daddy talks to your onee." "But me want Onee pway!" Serenity protested. There were tears starting to form. "I said go and play!" Misako commanded. Serenity's eyes enlarged and she sniffled a little bit. It was Younger Jupiter who took Serenity's hand and led her away. she thought but she was the one who had to. Her wife was off being Queen. Walking into the bedroom and closing the door, she looked sternly down at the little girl and said, "Young lady, that was very naughty of you." Endymion just crossed his arms and pouted. "Don't you have anything to say for yourself?" "Hana started it." "You'll apologize to Hana tomorrow, Usagi," Misako instructed as she got one of Endymion's small chairs, "Now come here and sit in the corner." "How long?" Endymion asked sulkily as he walked over to the chair and sat down. "Until lunch. Then you can sit here until it's your naptime. Young lady, I don't want you to give Sakuya any trouble." "Or what?" Endymion asked. "I'll let your mother handle it." Endymion paled slightly and asked, "Are you gonna tell Mommy?" "Hai, I have to, Usagi-chan," Misako replied, "But if you don't give Sakuya any trouble, I don't think Mommy will be too upset... So be good." "Hai, Otou-san," Endymion agreed reluctantly. ****** Later that night, Misako's mood hadn't improved any. And as she listened to Usagi's whining about how her day had gone and why Misako should have been glad about the luncheon she'd scheduled, Misako's mood grew even darker. Slamming down the newspaper, which caused Usagi to pause in her ranting and caused the children to jump from where they had been playing, Misako pushed herself up and started walking towards the hallway. "Where are you going, Endymion? I'm not finished with you," Usagi asked. "Out," Misako growled and stalked down the hallway to the master bedroom. After digging through the closet for her leather jacket, she left the bedroom. "I won't be long," she called out. "I wanna come!" Endymion squeaked as he ran up to his father, "Please?!?" "Iie," Misako replied. Bending down, she gave Endymion a hug and then she hugged Serenity as well. "Now you two be good, Mesume." Both children gave her a sad look but nodded agreement. She looked toward Usagi who had her arms crossed and was scowling. "I said I won't be long, Serenity." "I don't want you to go," Usagi stated. After a second or so, her face softened and said, "Please Endymion?" "Be good for Mommy," Misako reiterated to the children before heading out of the Royal Suite. Once out into the main corridor outside of the Royal Suite, she gave a sigh. She shrugged on the leather jacket and headed for the Royal Garage where her motorcycles were kept. she thought but she knew she did, if she allowed her father's memories and experience take hold. That was what she had done for most of the day. But now, she just wanted a little peace and quiet. But the jacket was part of the experience and she figured that if she sat on the motorcycle without the jacket, she'd somehow feel naked. It wasn't too late, only around six in the evening. And she didn't want to miss saying goodnight. The garage where the few private vehicles the Royal Family did own was a good walk away from the Royal Suite. It held a boat and a couple of jet skis, neither of which saw much use. A car that hadn't seen any use since Endymion had bought it and three motorcycles. One was a sleek red one, its surface lovingly polished to a brilliant shine. The other one was simply a classic. Something from before the Great Darkness swept the Earth. The third one, however, wasn't meant for show or to run. It was simply something that Endymion could tinker with if he had a free moment and nothing to really do. Or if he needed something to swear at to work out his frustrations when riding wasn't really viable. Tonight though would be a perfect night for a ride. The weather was just a little chilly but the sky was ablaze with the setting sun. The trees created a more subdued backdrop of color. The guards at the Royal Garage greeted their king with mild surprise. They hadn't seen His Majesty in quite some time and nothing had been scheduled. Misako smiled as Endymion's memories were allowed forward. She responded with, "So who's cleaning up tonight?" The question seemed to take the guards aback for a moment before one of them started to laugh. "Can we deal you in, Your Majesty?" "Iie, gentlemen," Misako answered with good humor, "I need a little stress relief." "Money causes stress and I'm sure we can relieve you of some of it," another of the guards joked. His face flushed as he realized that he shouldn't have said such a thing but Misako just smiled again and urged them to go on with their game. Walking over, she ran her hand gently over the seat towards the handlebars. <'Sagi... Mom... Dad... things are going so strangely.> She needed to think. Carefully she swung her leg over the bike and settled herself onto the seat. She could ride this. It was no longer so daunting. She was King after all. Why did she have to listen to Usagi? She placed her hands around the handle grips and she closed her eyes. She pictured herself racing down the highway, the wind howling around her, and the vibrations coursing through her body. She had sat on her father's motorcycle once or twice, even once when it was running but the sensations that came to her now were more intense. A longing came over her, something that no words could describe. The strangest part of the longing was that it wasn't coming from Endymion's memories, it was coming for deep within her own soul. <'Sagi never would do this.> She just couldn't picture her sister driving a motorcycle. It didn't matter what the others thought. It would be something that Usagi would never try; she was sure of it. Tentatively she reached forward and inserted the key into the ignition. With only a quick look around, she turned it and the beast below her rumbled to life. The new noise drew the guards' attention away from their card game and they looked between one another wondering what to do. Slipping on the helmet, Misako smiled. "Open the door!" she called to them. "Your Majesty?" one of them asked uncertainly. "I'll just drive to the gate and back. Now open the door," she commanded. The one who had spoken bowed and moved off to a small box beside the garage door. After a moment or so, the door started to open and Misako revved the engine in anticipation. Excitement grew as the door rose higher and when it was just barely high enough, she raced forwards and out into the oncoming night. Down the long driveway she rode enjoying the sounds, smells, and feeling of riding the powerful machine. It was like being free. she thought to herself as she sped up. But soon enough the Palace gates came into view. Slowing, she shouted, "Open the gates!" When the guards hesitated, she added, "DO IT NOW!" And as the large gates swung open, Princess Misako's spirit roared past them and out into the city. ****** Younger Jupiter and Elder Uranus could never see eye to eye on a social level. But when it came to their jobs, they managed to put aside their mutual dislike for each other. "Kami-sama, Jupiter!" Elder Uranus shouted, "What were your people thinking?!?" Younger Jupiter frowned as she rushed down the hallway beside Elder Uranus. "They didn't have much choice but at least they notified me when he went past the Palace gates. An APB has been issued and air ops is currently searching the surrounding area. All my people have been placed on alert and I have advised the Commander of the situation." Elder Uranus grunted, "Good, that'll save me having to issue orders. My security teams are standing by and we'll go out searching too. Give Air Control and the Civil Authority my frequency. I want to know the instant he's found!" "Hai!" Younger Jupiter replied, "This isn't like him at all, Uranus." "I know, and I don't like it either." "Her Majesty has been informed. She didn't take it very well." "I would think not," Uranus responded, "All right, Younger Jupiter, keep me posted. He can't have gotten far if he wants to keep out of sight." There was no telling what the public would do to Endymion without an escort around him. ****** The grin on Misako's face was almost feral. Her cares had been torn away by the howling wind and the feel of the road beneath her. Her worries and doubts left behind in a wash of noise and exhaust fumes. <'Sagi doesn't need this, she has everything!> Misako thought to herself as she sank further into the rumble of the engine beneath her. "I'm Misako!" she shouted out to the world, "I'm Misako, not Usagi!" the thought came to her. It wasn't hers but Endymion's. But she didn't want to wait. The thought though had the hollow ring of a lie. That sounded even more ridiculous to her now. Misako thought sullenly, Besides, she was just as good as Usagi. Resentment flared within her again and she sped up. "Why can't my parents see that?!" She couldn't solve all the problems, but she was going to solve hers at least. She wanted to simply be. Repressing any further thoughts about the dilemmas she was facing, Misako plunged deeper into the city through the darkening night. As she rounded a bend, sirens began to blare behind her as flashing lights came on. Snarling to herself, Misako increased her speed further and raced into the thickening traffic. ****** Sometime later, Misako walked down the corridor towards the Royal Family Suite. Sighing deeply, she wondered if Haruka got her kicks at yelling at people. The little ingrate should have been thankful for not bothering her. When she reached the Royal Suite, she gave a little sigh and opened the door. she prayed while taking off her boots and putting on her slippers. When she turned around, she came to face with a very angry looking visage of "Serenity". "What's got you all bent out of shape?" It took all Usagi's strength not to run into her husband's strong arms. She had been extremely worried fearing the worst but she was also angry. "Of all the bone-headed, irresponsible, childish things to do!" Usagi yelled, "I asked you not to go... You told me you weren't going to ride, Endymion, but iie, what do you do?!?" "I am a grown man!" Misako shot back. "If you were the man you say you are, you'd have spent the night with your family instead of running off Kami-sama knows where!" "Don't have kittens, Serenity," Misako remarked dryly as she pushed past her wife. "Kitties?" came a high-pitched voice to Misako's right. Turning, Misako saw that Serenity and Endymion were standing in Endymion's bedroom door. "Mesume, go to bed this instant!" Usagi shouted. "Hey, don't shout at them, Serenity," Misako retorted as she whirled around to face Usagi, "They didn't do anything wrong." "You're right of course, Endymion," Usagi stated coldly, "You're the one that snuck out of the Palace." "Was Daddy bad?" Endymion asked. Serenity was beginning to tear up. She didn't want to see her parents fight. "Iie!" Misako answered. "Hai!" Usagi countered. "You gonna spank him, Mommy?" Endymion asked. Everyone seemed to freeze as they looked at Usagi expectantly. "Nani?" she asked. Misako, scowling, commanded, "Small Lady, go to bed!" "Don't get angry with her just because you broke the rules!" "Enough!" Misako replied tersely, "Don't be such a wool-headed woman. I knew exactly what I was doing, Serenity, and I'm a grown man... I'm also married to you. I will not, under any circumstances, kneel and scrape before you!" Usagi's fists clenched so tightly that her knuckles turned white. Nostrils flaring and eyes sparking with rage, she stood there, her entire body shaking from the tension it was under. "Endymion..." "Iie," Misako retorted, "I've listened to you belly-ache long enough today. If you wish to have a reasonable discussion, I will, but I won't listen to you nag me like you were my mother." With her lips compressed into a severe line of disapproval and her brow a massive thundercloud of rage, Usagi stalked down the hallway and into her bedroom. There was a short pause before the bedroom door was shut with such force that it was a wonder it remained on its hinges. Misako stood there, dazed for a moment. And then the crying brought her back. Not just back to the present but back to herself and out of Endymion's influence. Shaking herself, she stared down at the two little girls who were crying. Serenity's little face was a mask of confusion and fear. Endymion's though was of sorrow and confusion. Bending down, Misako held out her arms and said, "Come here, Mesume." Serenity went to her father without further prompting and Endymion quickly followed her sister. Both little girls clung to Misako as she lifted them up and carried them down the hallway to the living room. Sitting down, she settled both girls on either leg and started stroking their pigtails. "Shhh... I didn't mean to scare you." "You don't like Mommy?" Endymion asked sadly. "I like Mommy very much," Misako replied while trying to reassure her daughters. "Mommy and I had a fight." Reaching over to an end table, she got a Kleenex out and had Serenity blow her nose. "There we go. I didn't mean to yell. Mommy was just very upset with me." While Endymion seemed to want an explanation, Serenity simply wanted to be hugged. She snuggled closer to her father and closed her eyes. "Are you gonna say sorry to Mommy?" Endymion asked. "Hai, tomorrow. See, even grownups have to apologize. And you're gonna say sorry to Hana, ne?" "Hai!" Endymion responded. Then laying his head against Misako's chest, he closed his eyes like his sister and drifted off to sleep. ****** Endymion watched his parents warily as he ate his breakfast. His parents were acting strange. Eventually his father put down the newspaper and getting up, walked around the table where his mother was sitting. His sister was also watching wondering what was going to happen. "Serenity... Usako," Misako began, "Gomen nasai." Calling up some of Endymion's knowledge and power, she produced a beautiful red rose. "This is for you." Usagi took it after looking at it for a long moment, she brought it to her nose and smelled its delicate scent. "I care so much about you, Endymion." "I know, but things have been so crazy lately... Please Serenity... I love you with all my heart." Misako reached out and hugged Usagi. Something had simply gotten a hold of her last night. "I'm sorry I yelled at you. Gomen nasai." She was startled out of the warm and fluffy mood that was beginning to develop when Usagi reached up and pulling Misako's head down and kissed her on the lips passionately. Jerking back slightly, she saw that Usagi was pouting. But the answer came to her and it made her blush. Things were not going as they had been planned. It was with some effort that Misako straightened without revealing what was causing her discomfort. "You're going to be late, Serenity," Misako reminded her sister. "I have lots of time," Usagi cooed, "But I guess I should get ready. I do have things to do before I leave. We'll talk more of this... tonight." She gave Misako a suggestive wink. Then sliding the last piece of toast into her mouth, Usagi turned to Endymion and said, "If you're extra good today, Small Lady, I'll take you to Court tomorrow." "Honto?" Endymion asked. When his mother nodded, he gave a giggle of delight and jumped from his chair. Coming around the table, he hugged his mother tightly and declared, "You're the bestest, Mommy!" "But you have to be good today, Small Lady," Usagi repeated firmly, "Now I won't be home this afternoon." "Why not?" Misako questioned, "Serenity, this was your afternoon off, ne?" "I and a few of the Elder Senshi are getting together and having some tea and pastry. I think there'll even be a chocolate cake." She licked her lips in anticipation. "I wanna come, Mommy!" Endymion pleaded. The thought of that chocolate cake made his tummy rumble. "Cake!" Serenity added. "Iie," Usagi said firmly, "It will be when you're taking your naps, Mesume." "Where's it being held?" Misako asked. "On Ami's terrace, she's had a new koi pond put in. You should stop by if you have the time." Usagi giggled as Misako glared at her. "Are you still sore at me for the Scottish band?" "I'm worried you aren't..." Misako trailed off and smiled. "Have a nice time," she remarked and after given Usagi another hug, left the room. ****** "Ne," Sakuya wondered as she and Endymion were walking to school, "What's the matter?" "Nothin'," Endymion replied. But why was he thinking it was unfair to him? And maybe that was what he found unfair. He was a princess, wasn't he? he told himself furiously. he wondered, Like last night. He hadn't snapped out of his role of Small Lady until well after he had been put to bed. Endymion thought, The truly embarrassing part of wetting the bed was having Serenity find it out. Certainly she had slipped fully into a shell he couldn't crack but it was still embarrassing to Endymion. Even the part of him that was his daughter was embarrassed but for different reasons. Wetting the bed reminded Small Lady of how little she really was. Sakuya's voice broke into his thoughts and Endymion was pulled out of his brooding. "There's Hana, Your Highness. I'll just take you over so you can apologize. Her mother's with her so this would be a good time to do it." Endymion would have hesitated but Sakuya gave him a gentle push forward. Walking over to Hana, he stopped a few feet away and said, "Hana-chan... gomen nasai." Hana gave a little curtsy and began, "Gomen nasai... Your Highness." Her mother had rehearsed this with her. It seemed silly to be so formal but grownups were awfully confusing sometimes. "I won't make fun of Princess Misako no more." "Friends?" Endymion asked hopefully. When Hana nodded, he smiled and added, "I guess I was bein' silly 'bout bein' a boy." "You're a princess..." Hana answered simply as if that explained everything. Endymion shook his head and walking up to Hana, said, "I'm your friend, Hana-chan." He knew they'd be friends forever. After a moment, Hana giggled and hugged him and Endymion hugged her back. By snack time that morning, he had patched things up with the rest of his friends at school. ****** Endymion and Hana giggled as they skipped out of the Royal Suite's private dining room after school that day. Hana had been allowed to stay with Endymion so that they could ride bicycles together out in the corridor until it was naptime. "Ja Daddy!" Endymion called out to Misako who was hugging Serenity. Misako turned and after walking towards her daughter, lifted Endymion into a hug. "Ja, Small Lady, I'll be back in a bit. Now that Sawa is here to help Sakuya out, I have to go." Hugging Endymion again, Misako added, "Now you and Hana have fun riding your bikes. And don't give Younger Jupiter any trouble." "Promise!" Endymion replied. At that moment, he did want to be good. He wanted to go with his mother to Court tomorrow. That would show his mommy what a big girl he was. When he was let down, Endymion rushed down the hall to his room, so he could brush his teeth. He changed out of his fuku into a yellow sundress her father had set out. There was some serious playing to be done and he didn't want to waste any time. Serenity wouldn't be coming with them though, she was too little and it seemed strange to him that she would find riding bikes scary. Instead, she and Younger Mars were going out to play outside. "If I tell you to come back, you come back or you'll go straight to bed and I'll send Hana home," Younger Jupiter warned as they left the Royal Suite. "Hai!" both girls chirped. Endymion's bike was a small girl's bicycle with twelve-inch tires that had training wheels attached to the back. It was bright pink with a little basket on the front and a bell on the handlebars with streamers from the ends. Hana's bike was similar to Endymion's except it was powder blue in color and more importantly to Endymion, she didn't have the training wheels. He was envious of that in some respects; it was like his daddy's big motorcycle. The corridor outside the Royal Suite was well suited for riding small bikes. It was long, wide, and almost free of things that could be run into. It also provided for the needed security for the Crown Princess. Up and down the girls rode, their legs pumping, and their voices giggling and calling to each other, with the occasional bit of singing. All of it occurred under the ever watchful eye of Younger Jupiter. Endymion stopped dead at the corner. Younger Jupiter had set up this boundary. Grinning, he turned his bike to wait for Hana who was leisurely zigzagging down the hallway. When his friend came to a stop before him, Endymion inquired, "Wanna go down there, Hana-chan?" He motioned with his head towards the hall that was around the corner. "Iie," Hana told him, "Mommy told me to be extra good... or else." "My daddy can't do that!" Endymion declared, "He's scared." "Let's just ride back, Usagi-chan," Hana suggested. "I'm bored. This is boring," Endymion whined, "Ne, Hana-chan, help me." Hana gave Endymion a dubious look. Almost every time she helped her friend, it got her into serious trouble. "Pleeeeeaaase?" "I can't go. Mommy'd be really really mad." "Keep her busy," Endymion directed her towards Younger Jupiter. "Girls!" Younger Jupiter called out, "Come back this way." "Please?!?" Endymion pleaded, his dark blue eyes growing large, his rabbit ear odangos seeming to droop slightly. "Hai," Hana agreed but she promised herself that this would be the last time she'd let Usagi get her into trouble. Turning her bike, she shot down towards the now advancing figure of Younger Jupiter. "Hai..." Endymion cackled as he turned his bike and raced around the corner. But first he'd need a better bike. It was too far for this little bicycle. Hopping off, he called to Luna-P, "Luna-P Henge Yo!" When the puff of pink smoke cleared, Endymion looked on with mild disappointment. Instead of the big, fast motorcycle like Daddy's he had wanted, Luna-P had given him a tricycle with... an engine. Its frame was a brilliant neon-pink and little sparkly tassels hung from the handlebars. A pink bunny was also present, seated inside the pink frosting colored basket. It had three wide low tires. But the best thing about this new bike, in Endymion's opinion, was the pink helmet with a rabbit head symbol that was now on his head. It was like Daddy's and his odangos were squished up inside of it while his fluffy strawberry-blonde pigtails jutted out of holes in the sides. "Small Lady!" came the booming voice of Younger Jupiter. A crash and cry of two voices shortly followed it. "Poop!" Endymion squawked with annoyance. Hopping onto the tricycle, he turned the little key and the tiny motor roared to life. Pulling the pink tinted visor down, Endymion took a moment to get comfortable. he thought with an evil grin. "Revving" the engine, he set out at a breakneck speed of five miles per hour. Not fast by motorcycle standards but to Endymion, he was like Daddy on a fast motorcycle. Nobody could catch him! ****** "Out of the way!" Endymion howled to the people in front of him. He risked a glance backward to see an enraged looking Younger Jupiter along with six or seven guards chasing him. "Move!" he yelled and sharply cut across one woman's path. She gave a yelp of pain and tumbled to the ground. "Stop her!" Younger Jupiter shouted. Endymion looked upwards and saw three guards awaiting him. Hunching low, Endymion prayed and coaxed all the speed he could muster out of the little bike. It was like some old silent era comedy, Younger Jupiter would remark later. Endymion flashed through one of the guard's spread legs and was down the corridor before they even knew what had happened. Turning, the three guards simply stared at the little girl on the soupped up pink tricycle. This, of course, led to the other pursuers slamming into the human roadblock and everybody toppling to the ground. Endymion laughed hysterically and turned a corner. His mirth gave way to a shriek of alarm as he suddenly, and unexpectedly, raced down a ramp, down a short hallway, and into a double set of doors. Then his nose picked up the unmistakable signs of food. It was one of the cafeterias that were dotted around the Palace complex. Giggling mischievously, he went to see if he could locate any chocolate pudding. ****** The chefs cried in alarm as a little girl raced through their kitchen soon to be followed by a dozen or more grim looking Palace guards and Sailor Senshi. "Split up!" Younger Jupiter ordered Younger Neptune and Younger Saturn, "She can't have gotten far. Neptune, head back towards the Royal Suite. Saturn, go see if you can locate His Majesty and tell him what's happening. I'll go inform Her Majesty and the Commander about this." The others nodded and moved off on their assignments. ****** Endymion tried to cover his mouth to hold in his giggles as Younger Jupiter ran past his hiding place. He waited until she was far down the hallway before following her. he thought with a giggle, To his disappointment, there hadn't been any chocolate pudding. He could easily keep up with the grownups. In fact, he found the entire situation very funny. When Younger Jupiter turned a corner, Endymion continued straight on; he'd sneak in the back way. Once at a side door, Endymion got off the tricycle and Luna-P reverted back to normal. "Come on and be very, very quiet," he told his floating companion. After entering the room, he snuck silently across to the large table where the food sat. Sliding underneath the tablecloth, he peeked from under it so he could watch the grownups talking. "Oh!" his mother exclaimed, "Well come on, girls, let's go help them look. Just wait until I get my hands on Usagi!" Endymion watched with delight as his mother and the other grownups swept from the room. Now that the room was empty, Endymion could eat all he wanted and not be disturbed. Crawling up from underneath the table, he used a chair to get onto the table and started to carefully pick his way towards the chocolate covered treasure. End of Chapter 5 Coming Next in Chapter 6 - Just Desserts